LSS: increase clean headroom and make humbuckers work

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Well-known member
Nov 29, 2005
Reaction score
Just figured this out, so you may already be doing it, but if not:

- Start on channel 2 (overdrive channel)
- Adjust your channel 2 to taste and set output (master volume) to the right level for the room
- Click the channel button across to channel 1
- Turn channel 1 master (channel volume) down low (say around 9), click the solo button and then use the solo control to adjust the clean volume to the right level for the room. Think of the solo control as being more like the makeup gain control on a compressor. You may also want to fiddle with your eq and gain to get the same (or clearer) clean tone you had before.

You now have more clean headroom than using the channel 1 master at normal levels, and all you need to do to use it is step on both buttons on the footpedal to switch channels and volume levels at the same time. The other bonus is that hotter pickups like humbuckers and piezos sound better and don't distort channel 1 any more.

I know this isn't why they included the solo feature, but it seems to work.

Hope this helps anybody struggling with clean headroom or humbuckers on the LSS.
NOW I know what I'll be doing Saturday afternoon :lol:

Thanks for the suggestion and I'm going to check it out.
You're welcome - it also seems to minimise the sound difference between when the loop is bypassed and not. I can't tell the difference now.
I always use the Solo boost with Channel One for a nice clean volume push and I could never understand why people would complain about headroom.

You verbalized it wonderfully, Timm. Nicely done!