LSS format question

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Jun 6, 2007
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Hi Guys,

I'm trying to finalize my preferences for the format of a LSS. I already have a compact open-back 1-12 cabinet so I'm thinking or just picking up a LSS head. (But of course that means a long wiat for a special order)

1) Any problems with the short vs the long head? (many years ago short heads didn't leave enough room for the regualr reverb unit - so they had to modify .. there were issues . . )

2) I assume there are no significant differences between the LS 1-12 cab vs the compact 1-12 cab ? Volumes are pretty close / both open backs.

3) If I sound like I'm just splitting hairs . . don't be gentle and tell me to just crack open the wallet and order the **** thing already. ;-)


I can't speak to the 1x12 cabs, but I can tell you that my LSS short head and LS 2x12 cabinet sound killer! Big fat warm sound that surrounds you.

I ordered both through GC and it took about 8 weeks. I'd say crack open the wallet and do it!
the head is cool
and I know a couple dealers that have one in stock if you don't want to wait

below was my head/cab combo....and it sounded a little more open
then the regular 1x12, both sound awesome

I like the 2x12 better for cleans, if you already have a 1x12 cab
it gives a nicer variety

here's some eye candy, and feel free to PM me if you want dealer info

and P.S. the one above was a custom order
the head usually comes brown and tan, mine above
was all brown, dealer ordered it that way, that is not the usual

and I wound up selling it to buy the 1x12 below

more eye candy for youz

Thanks for the reply's guys. I'll be ordering up a LSS head this week. I figure I'll end up buying a LSC head next year just to cover all the bases.


PS That eye candy was just too much. THose are some seriously good looking amps. As much as I' love wood, I don't trust the animals that I live with.

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