LSC and LSS....Looking for info

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Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
South of Heaven
First off, what do you guys think of these amps?

I have a MarkIII combo that I'm mostly using for it's clean and overdrive sounds these days (MV on 10 and using the gain as a volume). I'm almost never using the LD channel anymore.

To me, treating a Mark series amp in such a way seems sacreligious.

I'm thinking I'd like to trade it in for a LoneStar Classic or LoneStar Special and possibly pick up some more clean and overdrive options but I'm wondering about the voicing. Are any of it's channels comparable to the clean channel of a Mark? If it isn't, what kind of amp would sound similar?

I'm planning on checking some out in two weeks time, but I'm looking for opinions in the meantime.
the LSC clean is "warmer" generally, but could be made to sound like a Mark. The gain channel is completely different though.
The LSS is (to my ears) sweeter sounding and more articulate than the LSC in general.

The clean is best with single coils, the overdrive with humbuckers. It is the best clean I've heard on anything - I used to play a '65 Twin but sold it when I got this amp.

It doesn't sound exactly like anything else I've played, but you can get the overdrive (with the right tubes that is - not stock Mesa) to sound very Mark in direction.

Trying it with stock Mesa tubes will give you an idea of where it can go, but maybe only 50% of its potential, particularly the overdrive channel.
timmerel said:
The LSS is (to my ears) sweeter sounding and more articulate than the LSC in general. quote]

Now thats a very subjective statement (but to timmerel's credit, he did say to his ears).

. I just purchased a LSC yesterday after playing both the LSS and LSC side by for over 2+ hours. My wife and son were both in agreement with me that the LSC was more articulate and had better warmth.

Both amps were EQ'd identically -- and I had them turn their back the amps as I played similar passages.

In the end, I guess you have to decide for yourself. But if ultmate clean is what you are after (no matter the venue), then you will certainly not get that with the LSS (unmiked).

Just my .02
And I'm with Tim - I find the LSS to be better suited to my ears than the LSC. An AC30 type sound with so much more... the LSC, in comparison, sounded muddier to me in general than the LSS. Both are great amps, however.

I would even say that humbuckers with the clean settings are just as awesome as with single coils... that's what your tone control is for :)

The clean headroom argument has always been a non-issue for me - that is what extension cabs and mikes are for.
On the headroom point, again the tubes make a big difference here. I'm using NOS Tungsram EL84s which as well as sounding brilliant are also late breakup - not as much headroom as a 100 watter clearly, but good enough for up to mid sized venues. If you are playing stadiums, then follow Dave Grohl and mike your LSS!
That's why tone is subjective....I agree. I thought the LSS was nice sounding, but I liked the bigger warmer sound of the LSC. Both the tubes and cabinet size being the difference (w/o a doubt)

At this point in time in my life, all of my amps have to be able to project well -- with the assumption that I may not get mic'd or there's poor on stage monitoring. It makes no sense getting mic'd but the stage volume is so high that you still can't hear yourself or you must turn up the volume to do so....then causing your amp to break up (especially if it's not desired).

I play mainly church venues (some large some small) -- alot of outdoor events....and I have found that in my past 35+ years of playing that I can't count on the sound system being adequate.

I'm leaning towards the LSC. I already have a couple of 30w amps, one of which is EL84 based, and niether of which have enough headroom for what I'd consider a useful clean.....I mean, this amp has to stay clean when A/B'd with a 30w amp who's guts is being driven out of it.

I'll still check out both, but since I don't really want more of what I already have I'm definatly leaning towards the increased headroom and warmer sound of the LSC.
I'm either lucky (or crazy) enough to own both. If you can A/B them for any extended period, the differences will become apparent quickly.

The LSC is Fender/6L6/ darker and warmer and BIGGER. It will stay cleaner at higher volumes ( I run both thru 2 x 12's). Overdriven, I describe it as ratty or snarly. The tone I try to emulate is Johnny Winter blackface. Overdriven it is a lot like my Vibro King. If you're looking for SRV, this gets closer than the LSS.

The LSS clean is brighter and has more sparkle or chime. Its lighter; breezier; maybe even "softer". I LOVE it for clean strat rythm in positions 2 or 4; it will not get "smokey" like a 6L6 amp. It also will not scream like a MK IV.

Overdriven, its similar. Go to the Dr Z website and listen to the Maz 38 Sr. Buddy Whittington clips; the LSS will get close.

Or, get the Mayall 70th birthday concert CD. Its easy to tell Buddy's tone (which the LSS will just about deliver) as opposed to the other guitarists (Mick Taylor, Clapton) who sound more like 6L6 amps.

They are both magnificent amps. Great features and great tone. The LSS sure holds its value better than the LSC but that might be because it came out later. Both got GP Editor pick awards.

I can' think of a 6L6 amp I'd want over a LSC or a EL-84 amp I'd want over a LSS.

A lot of times, (on either), I just use channel 1 with the gain dialed in where I want it and I do the rest with the guitar. It can be that simple.

The amp Boogie should make is the two Lone Star channels together where you can switch between the EL 84's and the 6L6s (like a Road King).

I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
Here's an in-depth review of the Lone Star:
this kind of has been said, but the original Lonestar is very vintage Fender black face type clean. The Lonestar special is more "boutique" sounding. I was on the verge of buying a Badcat hotcat 30 when I tried the LSS. The LSS did it for me. I love the Class A vibe. I am not a Fender amp fan. I am more of a VOX guy. I am more drawn to the sounds of Matchless, badcat, tophat, bogner etc. So for me the LSS was that vibe, but saved me 2k. In all truth the LSS sounds more pleasing to me than the badcat.
I listened to both LSS and LSC and both amps sound fantastic.

With that said the LSS has a sweet chimey tone ithat is beautiful. dial in the sweet spot and the amp plays itself. However overall it is no where as versatile as the LSC.

With the LSC, pop in a set of EL34L and you can get a bluesbreaker crunch and gorgeous tweedy cleans. I'm thinking Fresh Cream EC early Billy Gibbons.

Pop in the 6L6s shrink the mid swell a bit and you've got a great black face tone add a touch of gain push the mids up a bit and you can get a nice derek trucks weeping tone. Ideal for an LP or SG.

Also you can always get those "thd" yellow jacket adapters and run el84s in class A. I beleive they will work in an LSC. And this should get you close to that voxy chime.

Hey if you got loads of dough buy both but if you need one very verastile great sounding amp than I think the LSC is it.

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