LSC 2x12 - lazy newbie questions.

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Well-known member
Apr 18, 2007
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Covington, LA
questions ... i just got this amp - v.1 50/100 option only. It sounds good - although it arrived last night 30 mins before the BCS started and our Tigers kicked butt, so I barely had time to unpack it, plug in the tubes, and see that it worked.

downloaded the user manual - noticed several "sample" setting that had cutesy names. I use the sample settings from Mesa on my .50 cal + and they work exactly as I want. so ... wtf do those names actually mean - Austin-licious ??

If someone can semi-accurately describe how those various settings sound (Armidillo, sheesh !) and which guitar types they are getting the sound with ... i would be forever grateful.

lastly, if you have changed out your tubes from Mesa to something else and liked the result - tell me what you did. i play jazz, std pop, to southern classic rock and blues - no metal - i guess the closest i get is some breakup with some ZZTop or AC/DC ...
I have LSC 2006 50/100 as well. I bought it used with only 20 hours on it. Mint cond. I had a hard time adjusting to this amp(my first Mesa). Its just very different from the Fenders and Marshalls I'm used to hearing.
The last week has opened up some great tones. I have the manual, but only use it for a reference. I tried those goofy settings your describing as well as the others included on the card that came with the amp. I didn't really care for any of them. Main thing here>>>> BE PATIENT and experiment! what others are doing on these boards.
I first played my Strat (lace sensors) with this amp. I was not impressed. The other day I pulled out my Am Deluxe Nashville Tele. WOW!!! Today I played my old Japan double humbucker Vantage. WOW again!!! Changing the channel switch to the center position has changed this amp into the Boogie I was looking for! This is at bedroom volumes. I did have a chance to hear it cranked a little near breakup last week. I LOVED IT. I may add a Hotplate or a Weber Mass later, But won't change anything else. Good Luck with your Boogie>>>>.
I had no clue what the sample settings mean, I think it was just something they put in the manual as a good starting point for your own settings.
I am using a PRS with mine and had very good results as far as a thicker sound. Strats sound pretty good to, but everybody has his/her opinion.

As far as tubes go, I tried every brand out there in a "Quest for Tone", but finally put Boogie 6L6 back in. I sometimes use mine for acoustic guitar so I need it to be pretty transparent. I really liked the JJEL34L's for hazy sounding Hendrix riffs, so you could give those a go. The only problem I had with the Boogie EL's is that they rattled so bad I thought they would break apart.

The only other "Pointer" I could give is to get a spare rectifier tube and some 4amp slo-blow fuses, and turning the treble past two thirty brings on a lot more gain. And be sure to lift with your knees!
I really liked the sample settings. It's a great place to start your "tweeking". The names are funny, but the tones are pretty right on.
okay ... can you describe what these settings actually sound like ... i still have not been able to play due to family commitments and i don't know which ones to try 1st and start tweaking from.
I can honestly say I have not dialed in a single one of those settings. I have been all over those dials in the last 3 years and didn't like that channel for live playin. I did post one setting in the data base (located on the upper right corner of this page, not the home page) that blended pretty good with channel 1. What I mean by blended is the sound upon switching to drive retains the fullness and entire spectrum of lows, highs etc. I have noticed a significant mid increase in the drive channel. The setting in the data base is called "mild crunch that cuts mix". According to the manual drive knob can be set higher than the gain. It said this will yield a a thinner sound. But recommended not doing this until you have exausted many of the other settings. Well after a couple of years I gave it a try along with the 4 ohm speaker jack switch and was able to get a nice tone that didn't sound like a whole nother amp was in the room. Think how a moddeling amp sounds when you switch programs and how radically they are EQ'ed from each other. If one does not get in there and edit those patches, it will sound ridiculess switching through them in a live situation. Maybe for recording those settings in the manuel would be great for different flavors but as for my live sound(3 piece band) I can't afford such radical EQ swings. I need consistant tone that doesn't feel like the bottom just dropped out or highs just disappeared when I switch ch's. We just added another guitar player to the band with a marshall triple so maybe these things won't be so critical any more. But I have gotten by with a slew of pedals to maintain a consistant sound. Sorry about the rant...I know you wanted to hear great things about those settings, and nobody has come up with the right response yet.
I have found for me, that the LSC sounds amazing with a humbucker for sustain and overdrive. The notes are very articulate and full. I also agree that unlike my F-30 which is almost a plug n' play amp for a Mesa, you really need to take the time to work with the settings on the LS to find your sound. The clean channel sounds great with my strat or Les Paul but the second channel sounds far better with the Paul, for me. Every note is very present and I think this makes you play better. You have to because the mistakes will be out there too.

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