LSC 1X12 1 year old!

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2005
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Cleveland, Ohio
Well after 1 year of gigs, an LSC replacement 2X12, a LSC2X12 death!, my present Blue LSC1X12, I'm convinced that this amp keeps gettin better. Weather its the fact that I'm finally gettin her set the way I like, or the amp is "burning" in, I am amazed at how good this machine sounds. After a rockin NYE gig, I'm in tone heaven. I've been using a Am Strat Plus / gold sensors. I replaced with the Kinman AVnblues last month, and what a match with the LSC. Ch2 with Drive at about 9, and Gain at about 3 oclock, presence Noon, and some Trebel back off/thick setting, bridge pup, with a little neck blended in, I've never had a strat sound so thick and resonate. These pups with the LSC really rock. This amp blows away my 73 SFTwin, My HRD4X10, and forget about my Line 6 Flextone II transistor radio!! This amp brings out each note very articulately and defined, which makes the guitar jump in the mix, and not get lost with todays keyboards. I'm completely satisfied with my LSC, the only thing i may add in the future is an ext. cab. I can't decide if I want a 2X12 or just the single 12 matching wide body classic cab. (Any Suggestions on an ext. cab would be appreciated)

Rock On
Happy New Year
I have only had my LSC 2x12 for about 2 months now, but I feel exactly the same way. I have tried many other amps, but this is the first one that I am actually satisfied with. The cleans on this amp blow away my Fender Hot Rod Deluxe and my Line 6 Vetta II. The dirty channel is just perfect for getting those classic and bluesy sounds. I just recently upgraded the pickups on my Fender Strat Deluxe from the SCN pickups to the Fender Custom Shop '69 pickups and I couldn't believe the difference in tone. It's amazing the difference that good pickups make to your tone, especially when running through this amp.
It's funny. When I logged in today I was going to post how much I am really beginning to appreciate what Mesa has created in the LSC. You great nice tone right out of the box, but after a while with just slight tweeking of the knobs and getting used to the touch and feel, the amp comes alive. I've recently added a THD Hotplate to the lineup and now I can drive the tubes a bit harder and get that richness without breaking my eardrums!

I just put in a set of el34s and am enjoying the difference they bring to the mix. Good thing is I like the 6L6s too, just for a different reason. What i found with the 34s is that, on the drive channel I can use the volume on my guitar to create a broad palette of tones from warm clean with a little break up at the end to a harder overdrive as I raise the volume. That is how it was with my Aiken and I equate that with a great amp design.

What is great about the amp is that you can find some different characters in the tone chain. With some amps, the dials move your sound just a little. With the LSC, you have a very organic relationship between all of the dials. I continue to find the mid to be one of the more powerful controls and the presence actually works.

All in all I continue to be very pleased with the blue beast. Yes, 50/100 watts is more than I need, but I love the tone you get from bigger power tubes. I am grateful for THD!

BTW, I've had mine for about 6 months. No gigging, but I hope to get into some jams this year.

Keep playing!
I have been gigging with the LSC 2x12 for about 9 months now and I am really pleased with it. Same as above, I have a Strat with Lindy Fralins in it and it just keeps getting better. I love both channels but found channel 2 needed just a little boost for solos. I added a Keeley compressor and TS-9 and its completed the rig. I love it with the Strat, just wish I could get rid of some mud with the Les Paul. Still sounds good, but tends to get lost in the mix. If I lower the bass, increase the presence and go to normal, it sounds o.k., but still not as good as the Strat.
Hey Wisch,
I remember writing you a couple of months ago. Are you coming out east anytime soon? We have taken a break for the holidays but back at it Jan. 28 and booked through June. We're just trying for twice a month, it works pretty good for us. Glad to hear you're settling in with the LSC. I had a scare two gigs ago at BackStreet, mine just died in the last song of the first set, blew a fuse with no spare. I had to di through the pa the rest of the night. I was afraid it was going to be power tubes but I have had no problem since, I think it was just house power.
(yes, I have about 20 spares now!)
Joe, Most of our gigs are westerly up Sandusky way, although we do get to the Willoughby Eagles Club several times a year. We're just gettin our schedule ironed out for 06, as most clubs start booking at the end of Jan. We have several dates at the Sawmill Creek Resort this summer, and we'll prolly get some dates at Mon Ami on Catawba. We don't do a lot of bar gigs because of the $$. I guess we've been spoiled by the private clubs and corparate gigs. We'll be doin a few cruz-ins, and we used to do the Eastlake Cruise, until the mayor screwed up the finances, but I'll look for you guys this spring or summer.

Happy NY

I've only had my LSC 1x12 for a month, so we're justy getting to know each other. Unfortunatley I won't gig with it for a while because our next several shows all have a backline provided. I can't wait to road test it! So far I've only used it at a studio for rehearsal.

I'm curious why you switched from the Kinmans? I'm considering a set for my G&L Legacy. I compared my pups to Kinman's and whatever is in a 56 reissue Strat and the Kinmans won hands-down. Let me know your thoughts.

Guit 55

I replaced my Lace Golds with the Kinmans because I didn't think the golds sounded right for me. I like the Kinman AVnblues because they're hotter than the golds, and they have a nice olde school chime to them. They're also super quiet almost as quiet as EMG SA's, but they still alow the strat to sound like a strat. The K7 switching system is nice too because i like the way you can run a little neck with the bridge pu. I'm still experimenting with the Kinman pickup heights, but I'm pretty close to being satisfied with the results

With these pickups in my 96Am Strat Plus, i now have a very quiet gig worthy axe that i can rely on to be bulletproof and quiet. Now I can relegate my 73 VW Hardtail with EMG's to home use only, and I'm gonna replace the EMG's with the original 73 pu's soon.
Cool! I misunderstood and thought you replaced the Kinmans. OK, I'm going to think seriously about getting a set. Thanks.