Loud noise when changing channels

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Feb 3, 2010
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Hi all, this is my first visit to this forum (though the Mark V isn't my first Mesa).
I'm loving the Mk V so far - especially channel 1 - the shimmering cleans are almost spine tingling even before any tinkering.
My only concern is the loud pop I get when I change channels via the switch on the back of the amp (combo). When I change channels using the footswitch, no pop - why does it happen on the switch? Does anyone else get this?
Thanks in advance.
I have the same problem. I have noticed that using the external 1/4" jacks pop as well when you use them. No pop when using the boogie footswitch though.
Just a SWAG here... There is probably some form of interposing contact or switching buffer in the footswitch. The rotary switches are open transition devices, usually. The footswitch would be the normal means of changing things on the fly so they spent the exta coin to build that better. I don't think it was a good product quality move to leave the little wattage selector toggels unbuffered. Probably cheaper. The MKV does so many things and is really at a good price for all of the 9 amps you get in one box, so I will not even think about complaining. :wink:
i wouldnt worry about it too much, if it doesnt do it w/ the footswitch! 8)
Got the same issues as well.
Loud pops with the knob on the back, but none with the footswitch.
Spoke to my dealer today and he agrees with you guys - this does seem to be usual. The fix is easy - just use the pedal!

TBH channel 1 sounds so **** good, I'm not changing channel very often anyway. Channel 1 almost justifies the cost of the amp on its own.

I once owned a Single Rectifier head and was so unimpressed that I almost didn't buy the Mk V. I am SO glad that I did, even though I haven't found a killer tone in either channel 2 or 3 yet (some pretty good ones though).

Can't wait now to get some quality time over the weekend to try it with all my guitars as I've only used my DF so far. I'm particularly looking forward to trying channel 1 with my Ric.
The loud popping is bumming me out. I just used my Mark V at church and couldn't switch between Channel 3 and clean using an external switching system (g-system) because it pops and you can totally hear it through the PA. 2 to 3 is fine, 3 to 2 is fine, 1 to 2 is fine, it's just 3 to 1 that pops.

Seems strange to me.

Please let me know you have any ideas.
if you read the manual it does say that if you are switching from a higher watt mode to a lower watt mode it will pop, so if your channel 3 is in 45 or no and channel 1 is in 10 your gna get the pop...
Are you getting this pop even using the same wattage for each channel?
All channels are set at 90W...can't figure it out.

I literally had to use channel 2 for my lead tone on Saturday and Sunday...didn't realize how loud it would be through the PA.
its common in amps, especially something as common as the MKV.. i've never had a channel switching fender that DIDNT do it.. mine isn't very bad, unless I put one of the channels to 10 watts, and the others above 10
I'll have to record it so you guys can hear it. It's way loud. I have a Dual Rectifier and it "pops" a little, way tolerable. The 5 is just crazy.

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