Loud and Clean on ch. 1

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Jan 28, 2009
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I'm in a band now playing mostly smooth jazz. Consequently, I've been using ch. 1 fat mode for the most part. Can anyone recommend some preamp/output tubes that might help increase the headroom to do the "loud and clean" thing. Thanks.
Id go tung-sol ri in v1 as a start. After doing that and experimenting with the phase inverter i could turn my channel 1 master up to 3 o'clock without any break-up (fat, bold, gain around 11).

Start your mids and bass at 9 o clock (especially if you have a fat hb guitar). Graphic eq off, adjust treble and pres to taste (mine's around 12o clock)

Finally for some extra volume you can turn the fx loop send up to about 2 o 'clock (if you use it) to be able to keep the amp master lower for the same volume level. It just seems to make the MkV sound more open and clear at high volumes.
Operate in Diode mode, run the treble lower, and compensate for highs with the presence control, and GEQ/Preset if necessary. Keep the FX loop on, and use the Send control to boost the level a bit.
Thanks for the suggestions. I run the gain at noon, the channel master at noon, loop bypass, and when using a humbucker, it starts to get dirty. I think the bass is usually around 11 o'clock, mids at 11, treble and presence at noon. I have one of the first Mark V's (sn 24?) so the tubes maybe going a bit soft. Thanks again!
I also play in a band were I only use "loud and clean" I use low output humbuckers and single coils and set my amp like this.
Channel 1, Clean or Fat mode, bold switch on, 90 watts, Gain 3 o´clock, Treble between 12-2 o´clock, Middle between 10-1 o´clock, Bass 11 o´clock, Loop on, Output, 12 o´clock or higher and use the "Full power"/-not Variac.
Now what i´ve found is that when adjusting the channel Master with the Loop on, the Master starts to distort if it goes above "10" o´clock so it´s better(at least with my pickups and settings) to set the Gain high, increase the Output knob above 12 o´clock and even using the Solo feature to increase volume even more cause they seem to come later in the circuit. And of course bear in mind that the Treble can make it breakup if set "too" high!

Take care and good luck!

/regards Jesper
lots of excellent advice here...... you can try a good tube vendor and ask for power tubes for late break up on a mesa mark v also you can try a low gain pre amp tube in V1.

but mostly, i think your settings and low to medium :wink: pickups should do the trick.

i play some jazz on ch. 1 fat, bold, 90 watts, full power, eq sliders on(V shape, i'll post a picture later). my settings using the neck pickup are around this:

gain : 12:00 to 1:00

master: 11:30 to 12:00

presence: 12:00 to 1:00

Treble: 9:00 to 10:00 (this helps a lot) you can compensate the treble with the sliders

Mids : 9:30 to 10:00

Bass: 11:00 to 12:00

output around 10:00 to 11:00
i am at work right now but i'll try to post a picture of my setting later!!!!!!!

note: my sound is like Adam rogers..... kind of dark

good luck