loop active master as a solo boost in my TOV?

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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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I don't use the effects loop but, I noticed even with nothing in the loop, when the loop is switched on, I can get a volume boost by using the loop active master pot. Any down side to doing this? will this work like the solo boost on the newer mesa's? Didn't get a chance, last night, to try this out and now wondering if it will work? will it give me a clean boost?
No - the footswitch only bypasses the actual loop send/return jacks themselves, not the associated circuit with the Loop Active Master.

But you can use it as a footswitchable boost either by running a boosting pedal of some sort in the loop - which you may not want to do, if you're trying to keep things simple - or alternatively, by deliberately reducing the level when the jacks are activated. You can do this by putting a shorted plug (just a spare plug with the hot connected to ground) in the Return jack. Then the mix control becomes a reverse volume control, so you can turn down there, turn up the level using the Send and/or Loop Active Master, then when you hit bypass the volume will increase.