Looking to buy a Lone star. HELP!!

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I have a 63 Custom shop LTD Relic Tele, a 60 CUstom Shop LTD Relic tele w/broadcasters in it. And a 62 Masterbuilt John Cruz Relic Strat. All of these are Vintage pickup guitars From Fender
OK Guys...here is what I did to solve the immediate problem...I now run the LSS at about 12 o'clock like speedy does. There is NO feedback problem at those levels...Then I ran a cable from the slave output in the back of the amp into the effects loop of my Fender Tonemaster...The control for the Slave output then becomes the volume control of the Fender...What a Tone!!!...Its unbelieveable..The Tonemaster in essence is just a boost for whatever tone the LSS makes...I have absolutely NO worries about enough volume as the Tonemaster is 100 watts tube power...This solves my immediate problem, however The LSS is still faulty IMO...At any rate, I can at least gig now without worrying about the LSS having enough balls to play...Im still really mad at Mesa though...I felt like a guy with a problem with his new car at the dealer,LOST!!!..In all reality, because of this incident, I will probably never buy another Mesa product again...Some of those guys at Mesa support are a bunch of smart asses, and have NO business delaing with the public...RICH, are you listening?? I hope the Mesa president Mr Randall Smith reads this...Im probably going to write him a letter anyway spelling out the whole story from start to finish. Maybe he will replace my LSS which is what should have been done in the first place!!

Hey I took it one step further, I just dimed everything out. I then fiddled with the loop. I had it in, and then out. I adjusted the loop volume, and I came to this conclusion. I notice that with the loop in I get some feedback, not much, but a little. I just backed up, and problem solved. I also noticed that there is no issue with the amp in "hard bypass" mode. I also took my delay (line6 DL4) out of the loop, but left the loop active. BINGO... lots of feedback. When I placed the delay back in, a closed loop in essence, there was not much feedback, a little but not annoying.

One thing to consider is that I have JJ tubes through out. I use a 12AT7 for the reverb driver, and have 5751s in the V1 and V2 spots. The JJ EL84 power tubes may have everything to do with the feedback. The JJ's are designed for high gain applications. I do not have a rippin amp like JJ/Tesla had in mind when they designed the tube. this may be an advantage over the Russian MESA tubes.

On a side note... You should try putting 5751 tubes in the V1 and V2 spots. This really makes the cleans have a little more headroom. I also run a 12AT7 for the reverb driver. I noticed a significant improvement in tone when I replaced the MESA tubes with JJs.
Thanks Speedy..I KNEW IT!!..I run my amp with the effects loop in, but no effects in the loop and the feedback is horrible....using the hard by-pass eliminates the solo boost feature which I use a lot, so using the by-pass is not an option for me...There lies the problem!!!. I use my effects in front of the amp, because I have a compressor/sustainer pedal which wont work in the effects loop...Maybe I need to run my pedals thru the effects loop, and use the compressor/sustainer in front of the amp alone...Im gonna try that and see...Thanks again speedy...

As for deciding between a 1x12 or 2x12...

I have the LSC 1x12...I compared it to the 2x12 and liked the sound better....something about all the room that speaker has to resonate in the cab.....another thing to consider is 72lbs vs 87lbs!