Lonestar Special Lead boost will not kick in

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Active member
Oct 13, 2006
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I can't get my lead boost to kick in ...Channel switch is working ...Any ideas on troubleshooting
It will only work if the loop switch is set to in or active and the lead boost is set above the normal master. the loops will still work even if there are no effects plugged in.
FFOGG said:
I can't get my lead boost to kick in ...Channel switch is working ...Any ideas on troubleshooting

Hate to state the obvious but have you:

1. Set the Solo higher than the Output control? If not, then do so...it's a requirement per the manual.
2. Did you disable the effects loop? Is so, this takes the Output and Solo functions out of the circuit and do not function.
drunkdolphin you must of hit submit a nano-second before I did. :lol:
I guess it is another case of "great minds thin alike"
nanosecond????? im too drunk to be that fast?
FFOGG said:
disable the effects loop ???????

Huh? If you do, then the output & solo control knobs will not work as they are bypassed in the circuit -- as aforementioned! :?
I am trying to figure how to enable the effects loops so I can see if that is the issue ...Do I need to actually put pedals there or run a cable b/t send and return ??
"I am trying to figure how to enable the effects loops so I can see if that is the issue ...Do I need to actually put pedals there or run a cable b/t send and return ??"

You want to set the switch next to the effects loop return jack to "LOOP IN", you don't need to have anything plugged in (if nothing is plugged in the loop send is connected to the loop return via internal wiring, but the loop tubes are used, with the switch set to hard bypass the extra tubes are bypassed

From the manual:

The EFFECTS LOOP circuitry can be completely removed from the signal path with the HARD BYPASS/LOOP IN mini toggle. This removes all associated loop circuitry and two tubes from the chain and ensures the purest signal path and maximum sonic performance when outboard processing is not being used. The SEND and RETURN jacks incorporate switching elements so that you may use the LOOP IN selection and activate the Front Panel OUTPUT and SOLO controls with nothing connected to the Loop.

NOTE: The Front Panel OUTPUT and SOLO controls are both part of the Loop and therefore active only when the Effects Loop is engaged. They are both part of the Return stage and will remain inactive as long as the loop bypass mini toggle is set to HARD BYPASS.
Get ready to laugh.... You are probably using a mono cable. I did this to myslef at a show and was sick thinking my amp was broke (this after freaking out!!!).

But nope, I was using a mono cable and the channels switched but the solo never kicked in...

Let us know!
so i need a stereo cable to the foot switch ??? be/ i followed the sage advice and the channels switch but no lead boost
FFOGG said:
so i need a stereo cable to the foot switch ??? be/ i followed the sage advice and the channels switch but no lead boost

Correct, a stereo cable is required for the footswitch.

One side changes channels the other kicks in the lead boost.
Any suggestions on wh/ stereo cable to buy ??I just tried my Planet waves that I use for my Powerbridge pedal hookup and it didn,t work
I have no clue .... do you know him ???LOL LOL

Pete :Should they have given me a cable when I bought it ??