Lonestar special compared to DC-3

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Jun 16, 2005
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I'm thinking of replacing my DC-3 with a Lonestar special because I'd really like an amp that can do clean and moderately distorted sounds well. I like the clean channel on my DC-3 but the lead channel is bit too much for what I play. Could anyone who has played both amps comment on the Lonestar clean sound compared to the DC-3? I know they both use el-84 tubes so would it sound similar? Unfortunately, I can't find one to try out at the local music shop. What about the distorted sounds? The music I play is somewher between New Order and the Pixies.

They really are different animals. The DC-3 is more Fendery on the clean side, whereas the LSS has a Voxy flavor. The drive side is pretty close to the DC-3, but I like the LSS better. It's a little more open and less compressed sounding.
Thanks for the reply. Sounds like the lonestar special is what I'm looking for.
Have you tried a weaker tube in V2 of your DC-3? It is an inexpensive try and it may get you where you want to go.

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