Lonestar Special Channel 2 Mid sucks

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
In front of my LSS
Hi All,

I'm just curious if anyone has a lonestar special and is having problems with their channel 2 mid. I called Mesa about it(Which they were great) but they said since it is working they can't do anything with it.

So basically my problem is that all the other knobs go from 1-10, but the mid on channel 2 only goes say 1-3. There is a SLIGHT sound difference, but nothing compared to the other knobs. There isn't another Special anywhere around me so i can't go in and check it out.

So any feedback would be appreciated.


All the controls on the LSS are very sensative and work in relation to one another. Depending on where you have the treble set which impact how much mid can be dialed in/out. Also, the gain settings have a effect on the tone controls, the more gain/drive the less effective the tone controls will be.

Read the manual if you have not already done so. The tone controls on the LSS are different than Marshalls and Fenders.

Thanks Ned,

Since this is my first expensive amp. I want to make sure that everything is OK. (I take better care of her than my first kid)

Yeah, when I've got the gain really high the tone stack is quite a bit less effective, with the mid knob being almost useless. That's the way it is though!
I find with the treb at about 6-7 and the bass at 4-5, the mid control is really effective thru its entire range.
Thanks all for the input.

Although i find the mid still weak. But on a good note. If someone stole the amp, i would replace it in about 3 seconds.

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