I totally understand your concerns.Its your gear and it is always best to err on the side of safety.If you aint comfortable trying something,it dont matter what I or anybody else say,you are the one who has to live with the results.We all have our own opinions,based on fact or fiction,and a forum like this is a great place to air those opinions and get responses that help clear up a lot of the "misinformation" we see everyday concerning amps.I am sure Mavguy meant no offense with that statement,he was just reinforcing a comment I made earlier about some guys thinking there is some "magic" to these amps.He,like myself and many others here try to help and share what knowledge we have, when we can,but sometimes words are taken out of context,intentions get misinterpreted,feathers get ruffled.I know for myself,I am not a writer,so sometimes my choice of wording might not be quite right and is very easily misread.Anyway,I am sure we will have more discussions here,and I hope it is always positive.