Lonestar 10/50/100 switching issue

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2007
Reaction score
London, UK
OK folks - bit of a problem that I thought I would seek a few views on especially as we only get 1 year warranty in the UK, and mine is out of it :)

Basically, my channel selector on the footswitch stopped working at a gig the other night. I thought it was the TRS cable, as the soldering is notoriously bad in these but didn't have a spare, so used a separate footswitch with the rear mono switching jack. So it does switch correctly on the rear and the solo switching worked fine on the footswitch and rear of the amp.


- Today checked TRS cable - no faults.
- Checks switches in footswitch - no faults.
- Checked operation between switches on footswitch and amp end of TRS cable with other end in footswitch using a continuity tester - all OK.
- Used contact cleaner on the footswitch jack on the front of the amp - made no difference

Am I missing something or am I right in thinking it can only be a fault between the jack socket and the internal switching (there is a 4N33 darlington optocoupler after the footswitch jack, so maybe that has gone, its only connected to the channel switching, not solo)

I just can't think of anything external that it could be - so I suspect I'm going to have to get my hands dirty. Don't worry about any warnings on working in amps, I've done so before and well versed in discharging capacitors etc.

Anyone else have experience of this problem - I know some of the other jacks on the Lonestar such as the FX loop are prone to issues?


Hi, cant help you Im afraid but theres a little known law called "Directive 1999/44/EC"
Basicly we have 2 years warranty on new goods :) so if your amp is still under 2 years old your laughing!!!
Check it out here
Thanks for that I will look into it - if I can get it fixed quickly for free locally then that would be preferable.

If there is anyone else out there that has had this problem it would be good to hear, so I have a little weight to my argument if the UK distributor gets a little 'funny'

I posted this reply in a different footswitch thread, but I meant to post it here. Maybe this is the problem.

When I bought my LSC (used), the channel switch would act really goofy. It would switch occasionally when I used it, and sometimes the channel would switch when I hit the solo switch. I had a good friend look at it, (**disclaimer** I'm not real technically inclined, I may not use the right terms :( ) It turned out, when we looked at the guts of the footswitch, one of the relays? (metal lines in the pcb) was "broken" (had a hairline crack in the metal . All it took was a little wire and solder and the footswitch was fixed (jumpered). The reason it would occasionally switch the channels when I hit the solo button was if I stomped on it hard enough, the pcb would flex enough to make the connection! I imagine this is why it was cracked in the first place. Note to self: easy on that footswitch when you're rocking! I haven't had any problems since.