Lone Star Tube Change.....Wow!!

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Lone Star State

Well-known member
Jan 24, 2005
Reaction score
Chico, CA
Hey guys,

I just replaced the 6L6 power tubes in my LS with a set of JJs that I got from Bob at Eurotubes. I also replaced V1 & V2 with a couple JJ 12AX7s that Bob recommended, the V2 replacement being a little higher gain.
All I can say is Holy Cow!! It really took the tone to a better place; got rid of the slight harshness and increased the harmonic richness of the tone.

Nothing against Mesa but I'm not going to be using their tubes anymore. The JJs are a definite improvement in tone while staying relatively inexpensive.

Also, FYI - the Mesa rep for my store gave me a call the other day and said he put some NOS GE (General Electric) preamp tubes in his Lone Star and he said the tone was phenominal! They were about $30 each but well worth it, he said.
jjs are nice. i have used them before. they gave a tighter, punchier, more focussed sound and, as you say, a very rich harmonic range. it's good to hear you say they do well in your lonestar. i plan to get one soon [just working out which one to get ie. standard blue, black or imbuya].
You may have seen it already, but here's a pic of mine (bad lighting). It's coco bronco with gold grille.

very nice indeed. i saw jamiroquai the other night and the guitarist had 2 lonestars - i guess that was in case one went awol. that was the first time i had seen one used 'in anger'. the tone was stunning as were all the amp's nuances, attack etc etc. it really cut through but still managed to sound sweet. he was running an old strat through it and since that is also my main guitar, i'm very very impressed.

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