Lone Star or Lone Star Special

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Gary K said:
tiger roach said:
I just bought the Special. 8)

Tiger (and/or anyone),

What did you pay for the LSS? The Price List shows $1599 for a LSS 1x12, but our local Guitar Center has a $1699 price tag.

Any pricing info appreciated, I'm probably going to purchase a LSS 1x12 in the next one or two days. :p

-Gary K

I paid $1699 (also at GC). I guess they just had a price increase; two weeks earlier I was there and they were going for $1599.

At least they gave me $15 off on an amp stand. :roll:

Buy it anyway Gary - its worth it. I should be feeling guilty about spending that kind of money with the other expenses I have right now, but it sounds so good and makes me feel so good when I play, I feel no remorse whatsoever. :wink:
Thank you for all the great info SabuJSE and Tiger Roach!

Tiger, I see you are in Houston, me too! :p

-Gary K
Hello, I am new to this board!

I play mostly blues and classic rock, with a little country rock mixed in too. Usual gigs are in small clubs and bars with audiences of 50-100. I have played my vintage strat thru an LS and it sounded fantastic, but I didnt get to play a humbucker guitar thru it. I would prefer a lower wattage amp so I could push it harder at lower volumes. I know the LSS would pull of the southern rock and blues tones, but will the LSS pull off anything close to that 70's (Marshall & Humbucker) classic rock tone? Has anyone here ever compared the LSS or LS to a Rivera Fandango? I will be getting a head only powering a pair of good sized Earcandy cabs (one Celestian and one Tone Tubby Speaker). The only effects I use are a Cry baby wah, Bonzai Fireball II compressor, and an Analogman Tubescreamer.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
I got the LSS (when they were still $1599) :D
I had been looking at the LS and was impressed with it, but when I went back to the store they had the LSS just in and I thought this is even better in theory with its versatility of 5/15/30. Also I am a sucker for low wattage tube amps. The LSS has been a winner impulse purchase, and I am very pleased with the tones, but I have to admit as some others noted here that the 30 watt setting might be the best - especially for clean tones. Really nails the fender vibe; and when you add the 2nd channel at 5 watts for overdriven thick lead tones....whats not to like. Worth every penny. I'm quite impressed with the stock EL 84's too! When it comes time to replace I going straight to the factory.
sign me up for the LSS

i have a dual rec which is great, but the clean is weak..

so after looking around for a while, a tried the LSS, ordered it, got it, and love it
Well guys, you're probably all gonna jump all over me but I spent a lot of time at a GC and they put me in a seperate "sound room" with a new LS and a new LSS. I went home with the new LS. The special to me wasn't really special. It's a well built amp but the LS had tons of clean, bell-like head room. The 5w and 15w on the LSS were basically worthless to me. The 30w was the only one that I came close to liking. I had already owned
a Mesa so I was familiar with all of the knobs & settings. Set the LS @ 50w
there's not a huge difference in power from 30w to 50w. There's a huge difference in clean head room @ 100w. I'm not talking about volume, I'm talking clean head room. I play my amp at home in a small room at comfortable levels. The LS is excellent at any volume. Just so you know I originally went to GC to buy the LSS. But, like I said side by side, in a quiet room with all the time in the world, I brought home the LS 112.
Different strokes for different folks>
Glad you are loving your LSC, OG. I did the same exact thing you did and wound up finding the extact opposite results in the LSS - which I bought, ordered an ext cab for, and have been hugely pleased with... I found the LSC to be too muddy. DIfferent strokes and all that...

Win/Win for both of us, imo ^.^
The LSS is a great amp. Made well and very versatile. All I'm saying is that there is a distinct difference between EL84's, EL34's and 6L6's. Each with their own character. Your tone is with the 84's and that's great. I'm glad that you found your sound. The only thing that you said that not only myself, but probably every LSC owner on Harmony Central will disagree with, is that you think it's "muddy". I gotta tell you even for the guys that didn't like the sound of the LSC (it didn't have enough high gain for them) I don't think you'll find anyone who said the sound was "muddy". I just traded in a muddy RV head & 2x12 bottom for the LSC. Believe me, at the price of these amps I'm not making the same mistake twice. So, I can accept the fact that your an EL84 man and the sound of the LSC doesn't do it for you, but as far as muddy, sorry,
either you did something wrong or there was something wrong with the gear. Like I said, the guys who don't like this amp is usually because it's too clean for them, not enough GRRRRRRRRRRRR.

Anyway, enjoy your LSS, It's a great amp.
I would have to agree with old-guy, he makes points why he prefers the LoneStar over the LoneStar Special => clean overhead, his preference. He did not mean to flame, just his preference / opinion.

For me, I'm looking into a LoneStar Special is because I don't have an amp Class A with a quartet of EL84s. I just about have an amp in every different power tubes (6L6s, EL34s, KT66s, 6V6s ... not yet KT88s or 6550s).

I tried an AC Vox30, I like it but would have to put a distortion pedal, I like a Matchless but the price, same with Hot Cat. I tried a Blue Angel but did not like the 4x10" for some reason.

I was looking into a Maverick but they're not built anymore and by this time the LoneStar Special came out. I just got to try one out.
Let me settle this.....any amp starting with the words "LONE STAR" will be one of the best sounding amps you can buy. The Special will appeal to those wanting a Class A EL84 bouncy sound and the Classic will appeal to those wanting a warmer smoother 6L6 tone. To argue which is better is to a lesser extent, akin to a Fender guy talking amps with a Marshall guy...
If either were in the 1000 range, I would own one, but alas I had to make due with a used ROV combo (which I love BTW).
BTW part 2 - on Mesa's sight they state that the classic has more headroom...

RR said:
I would have to agree with old-guy, he makes points why he prefers the LoneStar over the LoneStar Special => clean overhead, his preference. He did not mean to flame, just his preference / opinion.

For me, I'm looking into a LoneStar Special is because I don't have an amp Class A with a quartet of EL84s. I just about have an amp in every different power tubes (6L6s, EL34s, KT66s, 6V6s ... not yet KT88s or 6550s).

I tried an AC Vox30, I like it but would have to put a distortion pedal, I like a Matchless but the price, same with Hot Cat. I tried a Blue Angel but did not like the 4x10" for some reason.

I was looking into a Maverick but they're not built anymore and by this time the LoneStar Special came out. I just got to try one out.
OG, in comparison between the two, I found the LSC to be more "muddy" than the LSS. Not as in completely unusable - they are both incredible amps - but in comparison. Who knows, maybe it was a setting I skipped over in testing them out amidst the 73 shredders playing at max volume... and yes, I was in a closed off room as well.

I understand that the civilized world may disagree with me, and I am comfortable with that. :wink:
Sabu....one of my favorite clean sounds is a slightly bass-y neck pickup tone that has an elastic feel...a Pat Methany/Larry Carlton type sound. There are those who would consider that "muddy", especially if a high-chimey bell like clarity is what you are looking for. I felt like the LSC gave me both when I tried it, but the smooth, warmer tone came more naturally and I had to dial in the clearer, brighter sound. It may be that the LSS is the exact opposite...

SabuJSE said:
OG, in comparison between the two, I found the LSC to be more "muddy" than the LSS. Not as in completely unusable - they are both incredible amps - but in comparison. Who knows, maybe it was a setting I skipped over in testing them out amidst the 73 shredders playing at max volume... and yes, I was in a closed off room as well.

I understand that the civilized world may disagree with me, and I am comfortable with that. :wink:
There are those who would consider that "muddy", especially if a high-chimey bell like clarity is what you are looking for.

Raz, I think you hit it right on the head.

I too gravitate immediately to that tone but I think with a more pronounced lean towards a Fendery kind of tone. So, instead of Larry Carlton-esque, maybe more Strat between the neck and middle pickups and less ES-335ish. I had a specific mental tone in mind when I went and the LSS got me there quicker hence that's what I purchased. To be clear both amps kicks booty - the LSS is just more of my bag.

Funny thing is, I can get some really nice Carlton/Scofield kind of tones when I plug my SG in... and I am not complaining. I love this little cocoa creme conduit of collosal charisma!
Does anyone have clips of the lonestar special that they can post on the web? I'm debating between the two amps and the GC near carries the lonestar but they don't have the special in stock.

You're asking for trouble if you make a decision by using someone else's rig as a guide. You need to use your guitar, your hands and a live amp to get an idea of what YOU can do with the amp. What I would do is take my axe down to GC, plug into the LS and play for 1/2 an hour away from the crowd. If you love it, buy it. If you feel a little trepidation, wait until they get an LSS in. My guess is that unless you need massive gain and 1600 doesn't scare you off, you'll come home with an LS. Check out the F-series while you're there also. A little less flexible but a lot less expensive and almost as good.

eweise said:
Does anyone have clips of the lonestar special that they can post on the web? I'm debating between the two amps and the GC near carries the lonestar but they don't have the special in stock.

You're asking for trouble if you make a decision by using someone else's rig as a guide. You need to use your guitar, your hands and a live amp to get an idea of what YOU can do with the amp.

This is absolutely the gospel truth.

See the conversation in this thread for an example of what is "muddy" and what isn't. Personal preference is greater than all.

I walked in to get the LSC and got the LSS. But if the LSC was there on it's own, I probably would have walked out with that. You just can't go wrong either way.
Yeah, I guess I'll just wait until they have a LSS in the store so I can try it out. I currently own a dc-3 which has el84s. I like the sounds I get from it but the lead channel is too high gain for my tastes. Also, they reverb could be better. So, offhand it seems like the LSS would more similar to my DC-3 but improve on things.

One thing I really like about my DC-3 is that it really gets that singing santana lead type sound. Can the LS or LSS still get that mesa midrangry singing lead tone?
I like the sounds I get from it but the lead channel is too high gain for my tastes. Also, they reverb could be better.

You will the love the reverb on the LSS - I am a huge fan of the "warm" setting.

Can the LS or LSS still get that mesa midrangry singing lead tone?

Yes to both for sure :)