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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
Reaction score
Newcastle , Australia
I played a gig last nite with the ment to be "best young band in newcastle " where i live..there pretty heavy.they use two 3 channel dual recto, one for lead guitarist and one for rhy guitarist.....there sound was mush...MUD!!....these guy's are in there mid 20's and have been playing for year's...they have a huge following..but there tone is awful and this wasn't a bad nite or anything they were happy with there sound!!!......it made me really think about how could a band like that get such a big name...this isn't a bag out of them it's more just.....Wat do you guy's think about young bands and awsome gear and the worst tone/band sound EVER...

BTW i am 19 and i use a mark iv with an orange and the sound is wonderful..lol
If people are creating music that they like and other people enjoy then as far as I'm concerned that's all that matters. If you don't happen to like it, there will be those who adore it.. that's what's so beautiful about music; it's totally subjective.

Not to say what you like is wrong but that's exactly the point, music cannot be wrong unless it's made for the wrong reasons. If you can appreciate what you think is 'good music' and understand how music transcends into areas that create ideas for which there are no words then it doesn't matter if you're listening to Beethoven, Fifty Cent, Eddie Van Halen, etc, you should feel a common bond with them regardless. There are two types of music listeners in my mind.. the 'what's hot now' crowd really doesn't take the time to understand the music that's being manufactured and passed off as 'music' these days and people who (mostly musicians in my opinion) understand where an artist is coming from and can relate the message, understand the technicality involved in its creation, get inspired by lyrics or musical passages, etc. Neither is wrong or right, but the former in my opinon is like getting an amazing exotic sports car with an automatic transmission.

Just my two cents, sorry for the long winded response :)
yeah i complete agree with that.. it's more the fact of i play the same style and hearing them make's me think.." well why bother getting a great ripping tone when plp really don't care anymore.." it make's me think should have i really sold one of my marshall...becasue the only reason was to upgrade to a mesa to get the better sound and more feature's...and then i hear this band with there recto's and there sound is awful...

but yes i do have a very broad listing range and i play that sort of music ...it's i would just think that a band with such a big name for it's self would at least sound good... lol
Ya know, I look at how I use to have my Recto dialed in, and all the different settings I've used, with different bands and what-not, and they're not what they are today! By no means do I think I'm any better, but being able to define "your sound" takes time, and to put that into a context with what your trying to achieve as a contribution to a band or your own sound takes some maturity! I take your post, from a nineteen year old musician, with a grain of salt, as I have no idea what the guitarists in that other band are trying to achieve, tonewise! Though I should say, or agree, it's a shame to hear a nice amp in the hands of someone who knows nothing about good tone! And that too, is subjective! Next.
Shep said:
yeah i complete agree with that.. it's more the fact of i play the same style and hearing them make's me think.." well why bother getting a great ripping tone when plp really don't care anymore.."

What made you think the average listener EVER cared? I think a lot of modern guitar tones are simply horrible. On the converse there are also the tones I think are amazing.

For me, the way an amp sounds/and is dialed in, are important for getting the right feel in my playing. And for example, with my mark IV, If the midrange slider is too low, I dont feel my sound cuts correctly, the leads arent smooth enough, etc. So in the end, if My tone isnt right -wether or not my band, the audience, or even I cant tell immediately, it will come out it my playing.

For this reason, I search for the "Grailtone" for me, and no one else! if my tone isnt right, then I wont perform correctly, just the same as if my strings were dead....

Bottom line is this: most people dont care what your tone is, as long as you are entertaining to watch, and put forth the proper energy.

Hope that helped a little bit!
I agree with all of the above. I also agree with the point that Howitzer made, and that is the average person doesn't care about your tone, i think it has a ton more to do with a transfer of energy between band and the crowd.
the only people that complement me on my tone...are other musicians. average listeners just say things like....you guys effing rock. stuff like that....AND they smell of beer. But its those people that buy albums....or steal them from the internet. We like good gear because it makes us feel better....play better....try harder....it inspires us more to acheive growth as musicians. Does good gear make a good band better? yes but its an indirect result. my 2 cents.

may band ( a bunch of 19 year old's) mesa mk iv on a orange cab..me..a marshall jcm 800 1981' on a orange....rhyguitar...ampeg svt-? not sure 600watt or a 4x10 and 1x15 ampeg to... bass....drummer 8 piece gretch with sabain paragon's cymbel's... gibson's guitar's and fender yammah basses..

IMO....we wouldn't get the same sound/impact if we all were using cruddy gear.. i think the gear play's a big part in our sound...but we have spent ages getting the sound...but ofcourse it's all mainly in the finger tip's and hands and ear's of the muso//...


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