Lights are on, but no one is home!!!!

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Well-known member
Nov 2, 2009
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So, my MKV has everything lit up, but no sound. Cable is good, all the tubes and lights on the amp are on.
I have no idea what to do, any suggestions?

So, it was a pre amp tube that blew!!!!

An old Mullard :(

But, it's all good now!
Well all is good with mine. Just want to report for anyone else with these issues. Mine had all channels lit up and was stuck on channel 3 with some volume loss. I had talked with mesa and was going to send it in.(i have a gig this weekend)
after reading this thread I figured I would try replacing v2. That must have been the issue or maybe the tube gremlins because it works great as usual now. my tube looked ok.

anyway thanks miqueas92