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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2007
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Badlands-North Alabama C+ Mafia-hitman

welcome..a new addition to the NAMM(North Alabama Mesa Mafia)
come one, come all..I need to know what to call this one!!from bottlerockets to boogie veterans to branch offices :p
-she is a MK IIB modded to a C+...has a 6db mod and a "solo" mod by the high priest himself....so far, so killer! xport tranny simulCAST!!
-winner gets a NO expense paid trip to the NA Tone Farm-its "all in the family"(which means my brethren can borrow whenever the hell they want...!)
viva la ROB!!
Naw, she's a BRICKHOUSE!!! Bein' as how the Commodores were from Tuskegee, let's keep it down home!

I'm from the 'ham fam a lam!
I dont know what to name her but man the amp is tranny sexual !

No that there is anything wrong with that.......
gts said:
The Fat "B"aStaR-iC

To B, or not to B a C+ she thought: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler to have remained a mere B, or to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune of an Upgrade to the holiest of grails, becoming not a non pure B nor in fact a Pure C+
Oh to take arms against a sea of slander by the purist
And by opposing the purist would I end them? To die a B: to sleep a C+;
No more a B and by a sleep to say we end thy Life a B
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks of accepting Any Voltage
Thy tone is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To die a B, to sleep a C+;
To sleep: perchance to dream: of such tonal beauty, ay, there's the acceptance;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this B's coil,
Must give us pause: there the C+ awaited us respect
That makes calamity of so long life as a B unbearable;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of being a Mod,

Ah the proud The fair B-COphelia! Tone Nymph, in thy orisons
no longer my B tone remembered

...applause,applause!!you need a well deserved break after that-(or at least a cold brew!)profound,indeed..how very Stratford-on Avon of you!!
"all the world is indeed a stage....."..B-C-Ophelia...you guys are smokin'!!..
phyrexia said:
damnit you bought that one!?

I'm gonna have to buy a IIC+ before all is said and done. grumble...

It was peer pressure, I told Mike "If you don't buy it, I will" :twisted:
The amp has been in Alabama for six months or more. I can't wait to get the Bias-Rite hooked to it. :shock:
If it were a DR I'd suggest MESSY BOOGER :D

but since it's not, I won't
fellow board members, thanks for the replies..
after careful consideration, I am choosing....Twocius Maximus..it kind of kicked me in the ***!
..all were worthy,but I must give the grand prize to BB
thanks to all...we are taking her out to the Bonneville salt flats next thursday for tests-(emergency board meeting for the North Al Mesa Mafia-all sister branches welcome to attend) :twisted:
will keep you posted on results

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