Lead 1 Red v2 no phat mod

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
WI, United States
Hi, what are some good settings on this? I've been unable to get a really good tone out of this channel from the TA alone. With a Fulltone Full-Drive 2, I can get a pretty good tone, though. All I do is put it in front of the preamp in OD mode with the tone knob at 9'ocklock and the OD level completely off. It sounds really... TIGHT!!!

Also, how does the phat modded LD1 red compare in tone to the unmodded one?

I'm at work so I can't give you settings for my main distortion tone but I do know that inverting the gain versus lead 1 gain can offer substantial differences in feel to that mode. The other guitarist in my band uses the dynamic voice at zero where I use it at 1. Any more that than and I find I'll get lost in the mix. Obviously though, there is a big difference from bedroom tone to live band tone. My tone doesn't sound that sweet when it's just me but I fit into the mix so so well.

The phat modded Triaxis has an overall different voice. Close, but a lot more harsh and chirpy. You know how lead 2 has that chirp characteristic with pick attack???? The whole Triaxis has that... which I hate. The Lead 1 Red on the phat modded version to me was useless. It sounded more like lead one yellow and green but with a tiny bit more gain. It was flabby and crappy. I personally know 3 people who have traded their phat versions in for the older ones due to this. These same people to my knowledge barely use lead 2 anymore because lead 1 red has everything they ever wanted...me included.

That's my feelings :)