KT88's in a Dual Rectifier??

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Well-known member
Nov 25, 2006
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there is guy over here in the uk who mods these babies to accomodate kt's,supposed to sound....HUGE,was considering buying one to check them out but really couldnt justify it....well not right now,myby next month whahahaha

Ah Tube experimentation. I just went through a phase of " Tube lust" and retubed my DR and my SR with JJ tubes bought from Bob at Eurotubes. He has Kt88's which I know nothing about so I went with his 6l6 retube kit and bought some rectifier tubes also.

Bottom line was the amp still sounded like my amp. The cleans were a little better but channel 3 on my DR was lifeless and had no sizzle at all. Seemed to lose most of its gain. I put my Mesa Tubes back in after a week and was happy again.

KT88's are an interesting choice. Would be great to have sound clips with different tubes for reference.
actually, didn't that guy MiSeRy or whatever his name was try KT88's?
I don't think so... I could be wrong but no one I can remember with absolute certainty has done this yet and gave us an honest update.
Would they work in a Triple Recto? I might try them eventually.....I just re-tubed mine with JJ 6L6's...so...not now lol. Interested to hear the differences, because those suckers are expensive!!

ahh i see. well, i might be falling into some sweet cash soon so if that happens i may get a set of these for my TR and see what happens.
hey fellas. I DID retube my dual rec with KT88's. Running in Bold mode was a little over the top for me..spongy was a little better. Overall, it's hard for me to say right now what I really think, because if you recall I was having a hard time with this muddy, farty sound with my amp/guitar/recto cab. I have since put a pillow in the bottom of the cab that seems to cut down on the farty sound, I then bought a 96 Les Paul Standard to get away from my Dragon II's in my PRS. Also, bought a Furman, BBE Sonic Stomp, MXR Clean Boost and Boss NS-2 that run in the loop. It has "cleaned up" my sound nicely, but the distortion from my early 90's Dual Rec is still not where it should be in my opinion. Whether this has to do with the KT88's running in 6L6 without re-biasing the amp (which Bob told me did NOT need to be done, and I would think he would be the man to know) or if there is a board or something in my Rec that is causing the problem. It is just still very muddy and not defined in it's sound. Hopefully someone may be able to shed some light on this!
I guess at this point, I'm going to take my head in and have my Mesa guy give it a once over. He said there could be a bias problem on one of the tube sockets, a preamp tube that is mismatched, or countless problems with solder points on the boards inside the amp. hopefully they can fix my problem once and for all.
rabies said:
MiSeRY said:
I guess at this point, I'm going to take my head in and have my Mesa guy give it a once over. He said there could be a bias problem on one of the tube sockets, a preamp tube that is mismatched, or countless problems with solder points on the boards inside the amp. hopefully they can fix my problem once and for all.

Did you try it with a different cab? Or turning the bass pot down? Were you having the farting prior to the KT88?

tried it with a stiletto mesa cab as well. having the farting prior to retubing as well.