Just sold the ROV and bought a Stiletto Ace . . . wow!

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Well-known member
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
St. Augustine, FL
So I liked my ROV head / 4x12 Trad cab setup - pretty versatile, decent cleans, much better quality than anything Marshall, Peavey, etc is making nowadays. But I just didn't like the "modern" overdrive sounds. Maybe its because so many record producers are overusing the Recto tone nowadays, or maybe its just not the tone for me. I wanted more bite and more of an organic sound - vintage hot or vintage hi-gain is more my style I'm finding out.

so yesterday my Stiletto Ace head arrives straight from Mesa. . . holy sh** . . . it sounds amazing . I've been playing dozens of tube amps over the past few months and this is in a different league altogether . . . combine that with the fact that it was only $899 and I'm just floored. (I guess it was worth spending 5 months as a Guitar Center employee while I looked for a new job . . . :wink: )

some of the overdrive sounds are a bit bright but I can fix that with a few preamp tubes. this thing has crunch like no other. very natural sounding distortion even at low volumes and **** can this thing cut. very appropriately named.

the Ace gets 2 thumbs up from me. If anybody else is not happy with the Recto tone anymore, the Stiletto is exactly what the doctor ordered 8)
CaughtLikeFire said:
. . . combine that with the fact that it was only $899 and I'm just floored. (I guess it was worth spending 5 months as a Guitar Center employee while I looked for a new job . . . :wink: )

Holy crap, GC employees can get that big of a discount? $600 off of $1500? I think I need to hang out at GC more often and make some new friends!! Glad you like the Ace head, hope to get one myself soon.
[/quote]Holy crap, GC employees can get that big of a discount? $600 off of $1500? I think I need to hang out at GC more often and make some new friends!! Glad you like the Ace head, hope to get one myself soon.[/quote]

GC employees can purchase direct from Mesa for ~40% off. The job is not the greatest though, especially when you have a college degree and you're working your tail off for barely above min wage and being treated like you're 17. it's a temporary thing (just trying to scrape by while I make a career change). Getting the Mesa for $900 and an iMac for $600 were things I had to do just to make me not want to kill myself while working at GC :lol:

back on topic, I got a couple pairs of the STR450 tubes - the Siemens/RFT new old stock - with the amp. Just put them in and its a significant difference (which I wasn't expecting). So harmonically rich - it's great. To any current Stiletto owner, buy some STR450s NOW.
I wanted to get a part time Job at GC just to get the discount plus hang around with other musicians. But my GC will not hire part time, only full time people which sucks.
CaughtLikeFire said:
. . combine that with the fact that it was only $899 and I'm just floored.

That is freakin amazing. I thought dealer prices on Mesas were 80% of list. I need to get better educated as to Mesa pricing.
I used to own a Rectoverb. I have an Ace head now too. I sometime miss the recto, but never enough for me to go rebuy one again. as for the Ace, I dont see myself ever selling this amp. it's GREAT. and u are right about the powertubes. i changed out the stock ones for winged =c= el34s. noticed a significant difference for the better as well. I wasn't expecting that big of a difference too! those stock mesas are crap IMO

congrats on the Ace and the killer deal. dammm
inkwachemis said:
oh, and what cab and speakers u running the ace through?

The "Rectifier Traditional" cab w/ V30s that I purchased for the ROV last January. I guess it's now just called the "Traditional".

Bass response is never a problem. With my '61 Reissue SG, I actually have to keep the bass pretty low on most of the modes.
Barracuda said:
CaughtLikeFire said:
. . combine that with the fact that it was only $899 and I'm just floored.

That is freakin amazing. I thought dealer prices on Mesas were 80% of list. I need to get better educated as to Mesa pricing.

If you got behind a computer terminal at GC (I'm going to keep this in general terms - no $$ figures - out of respect for my current employer), you'd see the GC cost listed as not far below the customer price for any Mesa product. 80% may be pretty close. With Mesa and a few other companies, GC employees have to work directly through the manufacturer to get a significant discount.

And I'll say this too, the customer service I got from the east coast Mesa rep, Matt, was ridiculously good considering that they were making just about no $$ from me and he had 10 million other things to deal with every day. Mesa has my business for life 8)