Spent about 10min with this before rehearsal yesterday, and was completely blown away. Below half, it is pretty much the same as most Rectos. Modern mode gives you that low gut punch and tons of saturation. Cleans are really sparkly, and getting the gain around half starts to break the preamp up in a really (good sort of) nasty, musical way.
Start opening up the power section, and the amp starts to dramatically transform: it gets spongier, with a looser bottom and sweeter midrange. Suddenly, you're reminded that it is a small EL-84 amp. The mids just growl down low, and the bass starts to get crumbly. It is awesome to play lead through cranked, since it completely wails in that old school small amp, Jimmy Page had it cranked for the Stairway solo sort of way. I had the thing in 25w mode, just dimed, with the gain on 1:30. Trust me, there isn't a volume problem. :lol:
I wouldn't expect to play this with your metal band, but it is perfect for what it is. I could see recording halfstack tone at a manageable volume. I could also see cranking it in a rock setting. Personally, I'll be using it for my Top 40 coverband.
That's the cab at our rehearsal studio, just in case anyone assumes I would actually want to buy one of those POSes. :wink: