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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. I bought this last year, it's a 10/84 SRG. By stripped down, do you mean anything that is not a 12,5000+ DRG?
Markedman said:
I bought this last year, it's a 10/85 SRG. By stripped down, do you mean anything that is not a 12,5000+ DRG?

By 10/85 do you mean October 1985, if so you found one of those amps that was ordered and not paid for. Thus it sat on the shelf until someone wanted one like it. This came up in a conversation with someone at Boogie when we talked about serial numbers versus date markings on the chassis.

When I first joined this message board, there was a very clean SRG C+ for sale in the classifieds for $1600. It took forever to sell, why I don't know. It had nice black tolex, wicker grille and nice faceplate.

FWIW, I did not pay any more for my "original" DRG C+ amps than the JP-2C will cost you today.

The thing is that if anyone thinks that the used market is about to get flooded with LOADED vintage C+ amps for $1200 , they are smoking some good stuff. :roll:
Markedman said:
It is more expensive than an original. Originals are going for less than $2000.00 all day! ... ed-public/ I bought this last year, it's a 10/85 SRG

Man where did that come from I was talking about the JP 2C and its seemingly a live performance friendly amp. Lugging 1 amp head around beats lugging and keeping track of two. Yes I did mention the price being $2500 which implies the two original C+'s I was talking about are worth more (and they are) . But my experience is that all originals sound different. I bought and sold a few to finally end up with the ones I have. And these particular two sound better than others that I had. Add to that the fact I spent a lot of time NOS preamp tube rolling to dial them in and the fact they have NOS 415 and 416 power tubes , their not close to worth less than $2000 on ANY day . To me I wouldn't sell them at any price. Yes sometimes you can find good deals on original C+'s . I talked to the guy you bought your SRG from but you beat me to it . The thought of an amp that sounded similar to "cold sweat" , I really wanted it. I think you got a pretty good deal on that amp. Especially after I finally got a 60 watter. It sounded better than I expected because of things that I've read . I think they're under rated now that I've played one for myself . But with all due respect there is a big difference between getting a SRG for $2000 one day then there is Originals going for less than $2000 all day. At least I'm not seeing them and I'm always window shopping
Well if you were interested in buying either an original C+ verses this new JP2C, the C+ is cheaper. Right now there is a hardwood/wicker DRG available for 1800 asking on CL near me, others on allofcraigs, and a hardwood DRG head on eBay for 2700 obo. They might be upgraded C+'s, but we all know where that discussion goes. What I wrote obviously hurt your feelings, but I do have the facts. You even implied my SRG sat on a shelf at Mesa because it is undesirable. WTF? If only 12,5000+ DRG's were the only real C+'s, you may be right as the value of those will always stay high but to say that a C+ can't be had for less than 2K, that's all day long. Did I say all day long? YES!
Markedman said:
You even implied my SRG sat on a shelf at Mesa because it is undesirable.

I did not mean that your amp was undesirable. I meant that you might have a freak of nature, if the amp is really a 10/85 build date. The amp on Ebay for $2700 has no reverb, by the way. I have heard "conversion" C+ amps that sound as good or better than some of the originals, but they don't bring the same money when it comes time to sell them. Right, wrong or indifferent, that's how it is.
If I already didn't own a mark IIC+, I'd buy that first before I bought a JP2C. I'm tempted to shoot the ++ DG on eBay an offer.
I should buy back my DG++ at that price :twisted: .. If i didn't already have a few..... :lol: Great amp...The ones I have kept switch now...
Wyzard said:
Yes, I found that demo pretty dispiriting in terms of the limited range of what I was hearing.

A bit of a shame, as JP's long Mark 5:25 demo was so much more inspiring.
That is how I felt about the demo also. I would like to hear the raw amp not all the added effects.
Mesa puts out those artist demos every so often and imho I think they're useless. It's usually with a band I had no idea even existed. As was this latest video. And not once have I even looked into a band that was demoing for mesa, they just never seem any good. But I would've enjoyed more of an introductory type of video, showing off what the amp can do (imagine that). How good was that video where JP demoed the mark v 25! That was an informative, insightful, enjoyable video. I'm of the thinking that more is better. More videos mesa!!! If I was in charge of mesas marketing I'd be filming everything and pumping out videos and social media content constantly. That way, when you happen to make bad video, like this last one, with an out of tune, harsh tone, a good one comes out the next day. And the guy in that video has got to be wearing the tightest pants anybody has ever worn. :cry:
SamuelJ86 said:
Mesa puts out those artist demos every so often and imho I think they're useless. It's usually with a band I had no idea even existed. As was this latest video. And not once have I even looked into a band that was demoing for mesa, they just never seem any good. But I would've enjoyed more of an introductory type of video, showing off what the amp can do (imagine that). How good was that video where JP demoed the mark v 25! That was an informative, insightful, enjoyable video. I'm of the thinking that more is better. More videos mesa!!! If I was in charge of mesas marketing I'd be filming everything and pumping out videos and social media content constantly. That way, when you happen to make bad video, like this last one, with an out of tune, harsh tone, a good one comes out the next day. And the guy in that video has got to be wearing the tightest pants anybody has ever worn. :cry:[/quote

Seriously dude? I've seen other builders demo an amp, get hundreds of posts at The Gear Page of guys ready to buy, and months later the amp is still not released. Mesa normally has demos ready and the amps shipped to stores before we ever hear about it. Then they announce it, post videos, and you can walk into your dealer that day and try one... And buy one!

They have publicly said that the amp wasn't ready to introduce when a big vendor leaked it. We ALL knew we'd be listening to the "it's not as good as a real IIC+" posts, for probably the next 35 years, but the " not enough demos," " demos are all one style, show us more than one setting," and especially the comments about the bands not being any good, and about Mesa's marketing mistakes....

That earns you a big ole ESPN " COME ON MAN! " :lol: Might be more reasonable to wait until Mesa has time to do things that they ALWAYS do before they announce a new product before we slam them for not having enough demos yet for something we shouldn't have even known about yet.
COME ON MAN!!! :p So you're happy with one ok video and one bad video in the first month since the amp was announced? Come on man. I just want more videos, I don't think that's too much to ask. I bet most people would agree. If that's not fair criticism I don't know what is.
SamuelJ86 said:
COME ON MAN!!! :p So you're happy with one ok video and one bad video in the first month since the amp was announced? Come on man. I just want more videos, I don't think that's too much to ask. I bet most people would agree. If that's not fair criticism I don't know what is.
I'm sorry but did you just slam your head into a concrete wall? It's either that or you didn't even read the response to your previous post. The amp was LEAKED. We shouldn't have known about it when we did, and there's a reason for that, whether it be that the videos weren't ready, that some components had to be tested further, whatever... Making promo videos takes time, making quality promo videos takes even more time. I understand you want more videos, but please give the guys a break, if you know even the slightest thing about Mesa then you know this is not the way they typically handle the release of a new product. They're doing it this way because they were forced to do it, not because they like it, you can't simply warp time and have three months worth of working on promo videos and make that in two weeks...
Yesh, so "Come on man!" :mrgreen:

Just having fun with you. I want to hear this thing as badly as you do. It presents a very interesting twist for someone who planned to have a Mark V within the next 6 months or so. Now I've got to wait til these are out, play one, the re-demo the V to see if I can live without the things I'd be giving up. The "do everything" aspect of the V is very appealing, and several of the modes I'd give up, add things that I don't have now with my V25, Mini Rec and TA15. The full V would justify selling a couple of those to help fund it.

My take at this point... A Mark V for the guy who wants to do everything with one amp. The JP2C for the guy who wants a IIC+ that's more gig-worthy due to it's feature set. The V won't allow me to do a IIC+ tight, punchy, scooped rhythm tone then switch to a IIC+ smooth singing fat lead tone. the JP2C doesn't have Mark I, Tweed, multiple power choices, rectifiers, etc.

One of them though, is going to pair up very nicely with that Iced Crimson Majesty 7 string that I have my eye on!
Agustín Collia said:
SamuelJ86 said:
COME ON MAN!!! :p So you're happy with one ok video and one bad video in the first month since the amp was announced? Come on man. I just want more videos, I don't think that's too much to ask. I bet most people would agree. If that's not fair criticism I don't know what is.
I'm sorry but did you just slam your head into a concrete wall? It's either that or you didn't even read the response to your previous post. The amp was LEAKED. We shouldn't have known about it when we did, and there's a reason for that, whether it be that the videos weren't ready, that some components had to be tested further, whatever... Making promo videos takes time, making quality promo videos takes even more time. I understand you want more videos, but please give the guys a break, if you know even the slightest thing about Mesa then you know this is not the way they typically handle the release of a new product. They're doing it this way because they were forced to do it, not because they like it, you can't simply warp time and have three months worth of working on promo videos and make that in two weeks...
I did slam my head into some steel the other day. Ouch. But I still read his post ok :p I just don't care about excuses. Start a new thread if you want to talk about the why. I'm simply saying I want more videos. And you do too. We all do. Especially since the last one didn't scratch anybody's itch. And I understand more are coming but mesa didn't have to announce anything if they didn't want to. They choose to announce it. So it's fair game for me to criticize the lack of media content. But I must admit I do have a small bump on my head so I might be delusional. :lol:
Dreamtheaterrules said:
Yesh, so "Come on man!" :mrgreen:

Just having fun with you. I want to hear this thing as badly as you do. It presents a very interesting twist for someone who planned to have a Mark V within the next 6 months or so. Now I've got to wait til these are out, play one, the re-demo the V to see if I can live without the things I'd be giving up. The "do everything" aspect of the V is very appealing, and several of the modes I'd give up, add things that I don't have now with my V25, Mini Rec and TA15. The full V would justify selling a couple of those to help fund it.

My take at this point... A Mark V for the guy who wants to do everything with one amp. The JP2C for the guy who wants a IIC+ that's more gig-worthy due to it's feature set. The V won't allow me to do a IIC+ tight, punchy, scooped rhythm tone then switch to a IIC+ smooth singing fat lead tone. the JP2C doesn't have Mark I, Tweed, multiple power choices, rectifiers, etc.

One of them though, is going to pair up very nicely with that Iced Crimson Majesty 7 string that I have my eye on!
You have a tough, but fun, choice ahead! I'm concerned about being able to try one. I hope there will be one left to demo at my local dealer. But I don't really need to buy one. I like my V, and I think I'm going to buy an RA 100 with my Uncle Sam money. But V vs JP, that's tough. The JP looks like it's going to be a gigging machine with the features it has. The big question for me is how different is it from the Vs third channel. And if you have to have tight, punchy, scooped rhythm on two channels, the V is more than capable. You can either go iic+ mode for rhythm and Mark 1 mode for leads. Or iic+ for leads and crunch for rhythm. But you have to pick where your graphic eq goes. Crunch mode on channel 2 can get into c+ territory. But the JP is made for switching from rhythm to lead. And the clean channel on the JP has me almost as excited as the dirt. I read, on boogies site I think, it is the real iic+ clean channel. I wonder how that will match up against the mark Vs glorious clean modes. And I like to change wattages on my V regularly, even the variac. I use the both forms of rectification and I like throwing el34s in. I would miss all of that in the JP. These are two very, very different amplifiers.
Markedman said:
My local dealer told me there are only 321 limited edition heads and all are spoken for.

I don't think Mesa has confirmed the production numbers on the limited edition. Either way I don't believe that it's sold out yet. It is still available to pre-order on Mesa Hollywood's site as well as various re-sellers on Reverb and Ebay
As a hobbyist/ basement player, I wonder if this amp would be overkill for me. I had a Mark V and loved that it sounded good at low volumes. I'm curious if this one will too.
As a hobbyist/ basement player, I wonder if this amp would be overkill for me. I had a Mark V and loved that it sounded good at low volumes. I'm curious if this one will too.

I'm banking on it sounding great at low levels, that's the main reason I'm buying one. I traded my Mark IIC+ for a Mark 25, for a week, to get used to the way the JP2C will act. My friend who's using my C+ is thinking about picking up a C+ now that there seems to be a few to choose from on the market right now. Hopefully he'll chime in with his thoughts on the matter. I know he was floored by the C+'s feel, clean channel and gobs-o-gain, something everyone should be able to experience for at least one week of their lives. From the demos of the JP2C, I can tell that there will be more gain on tap which is great for practice at low levels and I like the sound of the 25 at 25 watts better than 10 watts at the same sound level. 6l6 tubes are my favorite tubes, hands down, so this amp is better for me than the JH2C which will be simul-class when it comes out next year.