JJ Tubes - What can I expect?

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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2005
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For the last year I have been running an integrated quad in my dual rec. 6L6's on the outside and E34ls in the middle. I can grab some really cool tones but I think I am more of a 6L6 guy.

I ordered a high gain 6L6 retube kit from Eurotubes. Will the tone change be drastic?
The change wont be drastic but you'll hear certain things that will either sound better or worse to you. The JJ tubes sound great but if you've been using JJ's before, it will be less drastic as say, going from the mesa 6L6's to the JJ's.

Thats all I can say. Having a fresh quad of JJ 6L6's really brought my amp to life. **** I love this amp.
:D I use JJ's in almost all of my amps. They seem to warm everything up a bit and do away with excessive trebles. Some people don't like this and say that they are "Dark," sounding. All they need to do is turn the Presence and Treble up a bit and the sizzle is there.

I've been using JJ's in my shop for about 3 years with extremely low failure rates, and extremely high customer satisfaction.

Glad you like them.
Right on. It's pretty rare to meet people who live here on the internet.

We are actually moving to the mainland next week. I bought a Lighting Store in New Mexico. Cost of living is just out of hand in Hawaii. If I were Hawaiian and couldn't afford a house, I would be pissed.

Maui is turning into little Oahu unfortunately.

We might buy some land in Kona before we go though, just incase we want to come back.
I had a WTB add for awhile. No way Im selling my cab :shock: :D