jewel power light problem!

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konstantine RK

Well-known member
Feb 17, 2008
Reaction score
jewel light was ordered .. a nice purple one to replace the one I gave away when i sold my triple rectifier.... So I get it from mesa and go to unscrew the diffused blue light and the entire power light is caught on the glass colored covering!

the whole assembly of the light turned and the insides are turning too... what to do???
Only one thing to do...pull the chassis (cord unplugged) and hold the light assembly from the inside of the amp (very carefully, and don't touch anything but the plastic housing), and unscrew the jewel light.

I'd flip the power switch to the off position while playing something (instead of turning it on standby) just to make sure the caps are drained before pulling the chassis, too.
You may need to use some pliers or something to grip it, depending on how tight it is. I'd wrap a rag around it first though, if I went that route.
Did you buy your purple light cover from mesa directly? I bought one off ebay (i know its a 3rd party one etc) and it looks okay but its kindof see through and not as nice and bright looking as the red one the recto came with. Let me know how yours looks!
The purple looks pretty good! I got em all and dont like to use the red. I think its not going to look as strong as the red but its pretty to look at! I like the green too but the diffused blue can stay on as far as Im concerned!