Jensen C12k Speaker - Mark IIB Combo

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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2009
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I finally took the plunge and replaced the original, 1980 EVM12L in my Mark IIB Combo 60/100 with a Jensen C12K.

It took 10 lbs off of the amp, which is noticeable...but it's still heavy. Definitely a bit of a welcome break for my back...but not as significant as I'd hoped.

So, I could put the EVM back in there and deal with the extra weight...but I really like this Jensen. It's still got tons of headroom, feedback's easier to get and control, and the articulation is more precise than with the EVM. The Jensen picks up more of the attack and coloration than the EVM.

The Jensen's a keeper. 10 lbs lighter is a bonus. I'm really happy with the switch.

Curious about this: I put the EVM up for sale on Craiglist. It's in excellent condition. I've still got another in my Theile cab, should I ever decide to go back to that sound/weight. I got an email from someone who said (and I quote):

"that mesa is nothing without the evm 12 now you have a fender"

Now...I've had Fender amps. Both were great. 60's Pro and Twin Reverbs. My Boogie doesn't sound like them (though I would LOVE to be able to dial in that Pro's sound...what a great amp. It was stolen. Talk about a bummer...).

So, I'm wondering about anybody's take on that? Think the EVM12L makes for the definitive sound of a Mark Series Mesa?

My take: I've had the amp for 31 years (almost to the day). I know this amp. In my mind, it still has it's essential characteristics and actually sounds better than before. The tech who suggested the Jensen told me that the EVM is, basically, a PA speaker that works great for guitar amps. Especially at high volumes. The Jensen's a speaker that's built for guitarists. I don't put the volume at 11 anymore. More into blues, country, jazz, and funk. I've loved the sound of the EVM for years...but I'm seriously digging this Jensen. It's definitely the right speaker for what I play.
Gee, who are you going to believe, some anonymous jerkwad on Craig's List,
or your own lying ears? :lol:
My unsolicited and useless advice? Keep the EV and switch it back in a month or two. Sometimes "new" sounds better just because it's new. :D
Well...Craiglist has Trolls, too, I guess...

Doesn't look like anyone's biting on the speaker, anyway. I'll hang onto it for a while and give it a listen, again. I'll be surprised if I switch back, though. It really does sound great with the Jensen in there. And it's lighter, which is a very nice thing.
After more time, I'm completely into this Jensen and how it works with this amp. I'll hold onto the EVM for now. If I need some $$$s I'll sell it. But I highly recommend this C12K speaker for a Mark IIB, people. Sings...

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