Well errr I have now got JAN Philips 6l6GBs in my Mark IV!
The reason is that I spoke to Derrek at watford valves about them. I was enquiring if he had some GCs but he said he preferred the tone of the GBs which were probably his favourite 6L6 of all time.
I said I was worried about plate voltages to which he replied that he used to run these things in his mark IV and now he has 12 or these in his 400+ !!!- bass is obviously an expensive instrument. He said that he's had them in there for the best part of 10 years without a problem though.
I had been offered a nos quad real cheap - Derrek advised me not to buy his GCs but to get these GBs from someone else, so I did!
The GBs are certainly a great sounding tube. Anyone who's tried nos power tubes will know how they are smoother and have a 'quality' to them, these are the same.
They haven't got as low a bottom end thuimp as the =C= GCs I have but there's still lot's of bass. They have a fenderish midrange twang to them which comes through on clean and gives R2 quite a vintage sound. In lead at full grind they are great with a fat midrange and bass with good cut harmonics without being at all harsh.
They've been in the amp for about 2 months now, fingers crossed!