It is a SUPER BOOGIE! Pics of my new Mesa "head"

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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2006
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So, I LOVED my mesa DC-5, however being 50 watts, it didn't have the PUNCH in the chest clarity when cranked, I found myself fighting against the amp (hiss, feedback, etc all related to pushing the amp too far)

It does not help that I like to boost and have compression on my distortion so we all know what that can do to high gain.

So I looked for a DC 10. Could not find one that wasn't a hassle or priced like a MKIV. I was also a little wary that it would sound a little different. I remember preferring my simuclass MK III at half power and was thinking the DC10 may have that same change in tone.

So, I removed the speaker/reverb tank from the combo and purchased a tube poweramp (Carvin 100).

I tested the waters first to see how it sounded if I put the combos speaker out into one 4x12, and slaved the signal into the tube poweramp.

Result: COME CLARITY! I could now have a really nice tone coming from the combo 4x12 without pushing it too hard, AND then amplify that tone to earth pounding headroom through the other power tube driven 4x12.

The next step, making this one amp. I called a friend of mine who works on my guitars/amps and left the amp with him.

I picked it up last night.

I give you:

"The Super Boogie"



You have a space between the words "super" and 'boogie" in the web addresses, though they still don't work when you eliminate the gap. Check the addresses for the pics again.
One of the best sounds i've ever came across was when i slaved my DC3 on a 50/50 power amp. it was GLORIOUS!!

cool rig you got man. just wondering . . . you're driving a 4x12 with the combo (and i assume that the combo speaker is off) . . . what youre driving with the Carvin power??

and yes you should try a delay between the line out and the Carvin, real wet/dry setup!! 8)
Wow, now that IS a unique "head"! Nice installation ...seamless-looking, and if you ever want to trade out the Carvin, you could always replace with any rack power amp. Kudos to you for taking a different approach!!

edward said:
Wow, now that IS a unique "head"! Nice installation ...seamless-looking, and if you ever want to trade out the Carvin, you could always replace with any rack power amp. Kudos to you for taking a different approach!!


I am driving a 4x12 with the combo, and with the Carvin I am driving an FX laden mix with still about 50% of the original sound coming through.

So for live I have to double mix.

I have tried it with 3 cabs where middle was dry and right and left was 100% wet. I almost swallowed my tongue withthe swirly stereoness of it!
:shock: :(
IMO that's a terrible thing to do to a perfectly good Boogie , and with a Carvin no less. The least you could have done was use a Boogie poweramp.
Just my $.02
t0aj15 said:
:shock: :(
IMO that's a terrible thing to do to a perfectly good Boogie , and with a Carvin no less. The least you could have done was use a Boogie poweramp.
Just my $.02

This is based on your vast experience with Carvin power amps I would assume as well as your opinion after having heard the amp? I think it's a great idea and cabinet shells are easily replaced. If he were to ever want to change over to a Boogie it would take all of 4 screws to do so.
I agree toaj15,( not about destroying the Cab, but the Carvin VS Boogie power amp part) I have owned a Boogie 2:90 and a Carvin T-100 and the Boogie crushed the Carvin in every conceivable way possible. I do think you've come up with a good solution, but if you can ever check out a Boogie 2:90 with your DC-5 I think you'll notice a huge difference.
Easy, guys! Remember that the Carvin is a rackmount amp. And just how difficult would it be to replace Carvin that with ANYTHING else? ...not to mention the poo-poohing of Carvin is your value judgment, not his. Ditto with a combo cabinet ...10 minute operation, and bare combo shells are relatively cheap ...not like its an Imbuya or something.

I applaud his initiative to create a solution that not only meets his desires, but also "modular" in the sense that he used a rackmount for the power section. I haven't heard it, but if it works for him, kudos!

The 2:90 is rack mountable too. The Carvin is a good amp and a great value, but in my opinion the 2:90 is a superior power amp.

I also applaud his cleverness. back in 94 I had a similar set-up, I used a Peavey Mark VIII bass head as my power amp cause my .50 cal+ head just wasn't loud enough. I had this crazy roll around amp case that housed both heads and a silent speaker at the bottom of the amp weighed about 200 lbs and was extremely hard to move around, it took two people to lift it. But it worked for me...
Long ago and far away, a friend of mine gave me the little tube amp from his reel to reel tape recorder, and told me I could use it as a fuzz for my new Ampeg V-4 head and 4x12 cab. The tone was outstanding. I didn't hear another 'fuzz' like this until around '97, when I bought a Fender Prosonic head. My 'fuzz' and V-4 actually sounded more like my T-verb, as Ampegs have loads of bottom as well.

Retrofits rock!

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