ISP Decimator Pedal w/ Mark amps.

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Ok, so the ISP is back to the front of the amp as of practice tonight just to give it another shot. After some tweaking ( and a bottle of Wild Turkey Honey :wink: ), it seems to be working really, really good in front now. However, if you pick a note very lightly, you can hear it 'cut' for a split second. It's not bothersome since the material is pretty aggressive and I can't notice a difference then. One thing I am excited about now is that there's no feedback or noise between breaks in the songs now, which in return made the music so much more tight. I'm stoked. 8)

mreeve25 said:
Hey, I was considering getting one of the G-string pedals. I heard something about the G-string not working on the mesa amps due to them being wired parallel. Supposedly, it has to be wired in series to work properly. Correct me if I am wrong. I don't remember where I read that, and I might have it backwards. If it will in fact work properly, I will snatch one right away. Please let me know.


All Mark series amps with effects loops are wired in series. The Pro Rack G has sepearate threshold controls to fine tune the amount of gating that is required.
I know this thread is a little old, lol.
But wanted to add, In regards to using the decimater with a Mk IV, that when the G-string (or a regular decimater) is used up front, you still get the preamp section hiss. So I use the G-String in the FX loop, as well as my time based effects, as specified by ISP in hooking the pedal up through an FX loop.
Works great. Tightens up the sound and makes things dead quite. But it will choke/cut off the amps built in reverb.... :-(
It's like if it were possible for Mesa to have had the reverb post effects loop, that would have been awesome.
So for me, the trade off is if I want reverb I use a Boss RV-5 (in the FX loop)...
This works perfectly, but it is a shame I can't just use the great sounding reverb built into the amp.....

ChrisYoung said:
But it will choke/cut off the amps built in reverb.... :-(
It's like if it were possible for Mesa to have had the reverb post effects loop, that would have been awesome.
The Mark series amps suffer from this condition. The Electra-Dyne and Royal Atlantic do not behave this way.
Ha, Yeah...old thread. :D

I haven't used the Decimator in awhile - 'cause I started using the G-String for a bit. 8)
Still in the rigs, though..but I also started working more on turning the gain back even more to really tighten it up where I wanted it. It all really just depends. I'm ALWAYS tweaking.
ISP worked fine for me with my mark amps..however I found that the most transparent easiest and cleanest sounding noise reduction for me is the Rockman smart gate..I ran it with all the amps that's on the sig.the smart gate blew away the ISP- both versions and any of the roctrons..tom scholz was onto something there.

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