So I got a local built open back 2 x 12 with v30's that I'm running with my 2 x 12 recto cab . stacking them with the mesa cab on the bottom cause its way heavier and is on wheels
I really like what the open back adds to the sound of the recto cab . Makes it sound wider and adds a nice airyness to the tone and it fills out some high mids in a good way ,but, there's always a but, I'm hearing just a bit too much of the open back on top. I'd like to just take a bit of the voluime off it to let the recto cab be a bit more equal in the mix .
I know an open back design is louder and fills a room more . I have the option of the guy who made it converting to closed if i want but I do like what the open back is adding, there's just a bit too much of it.
any simple fixes for dealing with this or is it just the problem with mixing open and closed cabs ?
EDT - was just thinking I could run them next to each other vertically on their side to help maybe ?
So I got a local built open back 2 x 12 with v30's that I'm running with my 2 x 12 recto cab . stacking them with the mesa cab on the bottom cause its way heavier and is on wheels
I really like what the open back adds to the sound of the recto cab . Makes it sound wider and adds a nice airyness to the tone and it fills out some high mids in a good way ,but, there's always a but, I'm hearing just a bit too much of the open back on top. I'd like to just take a bit of the voluime off it to let the recto cab be a bit more equal in the mix .
I know an open back design is louder and fills a room more . I have the option of the guy who made it converting to closed if i want but I do like what the open back is adding, there's just a bit too much of it.
any simple fixes for dealing with this or is it just the problem with mixing open and closed cabs ?
EDT - was just thinking I could run them next to each other vertically on their side to help maybe ?