Is it just me or is the Mark V having some issues???

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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2010
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I have a 13'' screen on my lap top (when the Mark V section is opened i don't see a lot of topics, just a few...
With mine in it... it seems like all topics I see are related to some issues with the amp!!!
What the hell is Mesa doing?? Saving on components??
What's so crap about this is that the amps do sound like the best, and nothing beats the tone, but hey... problems with the amp??? I hope you guys aren't pulling us some Iphone4 antenna kind of thing...
I just hope my problem is a tube... What strikes me not being a tube is that the problem, after playing a while disappears....
Still, lots of problems with Mark Vs... maybe you guys aren't paying enough to your workers and they are sabotaging the amps hehehehe
i think its just that whenever someone does have a problem, they immediately ask the people on this board whats wrong before they pay to get it fixed. people wouldnt start threads going "nothing's wrong here, i dont need any help". :lol: im sure that there are far more mark v's that do work than dont. ive had mine for almost a month and nothing's gone wrong yet (knock on wood). and most of the problems brought up are tube related, which is unavoidable when youre dealing with tube amps.

mesa does have some of the absolute best build quality, but no matter what, there will always be a few that have problems. mesas are sure as hell built a LOT better than marshalls (the newer ones at least).
I don't know, I've never had a real issue. I would agree with the previous post, it's like anything else on the internet, people come on to complain more than they do rant. Just the way it is and always has been
Except in my case, where I came here to chat about the amp, but have had two major issues in a year.
I also came here trying to get insight on the amp, bought it... and now this.
Or are Mesa tubes really shi***? I have some friends who hate Mesa tubes because they don't last.
You buy a pair, 4 months later its gone! Here, there´s no warranty for that!
Let me say that this is no hate topic. I Love the amp, it just seems some problems are affecting them.
I do love Land Rovers and all of them have problems!!
I have had mine for almost 8 months and no issues. I have stock Mesa tubes except for one preamp (V2) which I replaced just for the heck of it. I feel for anyone who has had problems. For that much money, you want it to just work. Totally understandable.
I agree that the forum is used frequently to discuss issues/problems and we don't hear from the hundreds/thousands who have no issues.

I have been playing Mesas since 1981. In all that time, I have had two issues. One was a footswitch problem with a Lonestar that was solved with a new cable, and one was a resistor problem in a used Mark IV. Both, the factory fixed at no charge. In 20 years, I have had one bad tube, a pre-amp tube. My power tubes last a reasonable amount of time, like a year or more, and pre-amp tubes just go and go. I don't know, maybe I don't play as hard as y'all, but my 12-15 different amps over the years have been problem free basically.

Maybe it is because I live in Petaluma, CA and there is a "mesa halo" here.
Haven't had any issues with mine so far. There's always gonna be issues especially with u got THAT much circuitry in one amp. Even if I have problems with mine, ill NEVER get rid of the V. Best amp iv ever heard. Besides maybe a Two Rock 10th Anniversary amp we took to NAMM to demo WGS speakers.
If you ask people what the most reliable car is, you will typically hear "Honda" or "Toyota". Go to a dedicated Honda or Toyota forum, and see how many posts are from people having problems. ;)

My amp (Mark V) has been trouble-free for 14 months so far.
I hope to have mine solved by tomorrow! Still, I wouldn't trade it!!!!
A resistor problem will make me be out of amp for months... hope it's not that! really haven't mentioned the specific problem you are having with your V in this thread......maybe some of us can help?

I have owned my MkV combo since Sept. 09 and have had zero problems using stock Mesa Tubes. I did replace the stock MB 6L6s with MB EL34s to experiment with the amp using the alternate power tube option. I am still not sure which power tubes I prefer because both sound very good to me in different ways depending on what I am after. I haven't touched the stock preamp tubes because I am a believer of "Don't fix what aint broken".

I have seen a few posters say they experienced problems with the footswitch, but that usually was a defective cable......hardly a major problem. I have also seen posters complain about problems that were usually associated with defective or just plain ole worn out tubes. OK.....all tube amps are going to require a retube from time to time......if they happened to experience tube problems early.....that is bad luck, but it happens.

IMO.....some posters complain about their V experiences because they haven't taken the time to dial it in using their ears (or choose not to because they say it is too complicated). That is fine, but in this case, the amplifier is not at fault.

Finally, I feel the reason for seeing more so called complaints about the V is strictly due to the sheer volume of V's that have been sold! In fact, I would wager to guess that more V's have been sold than any other MB amp since it was introduced in 2009. Statistically speaking, it would stand to reason that more people may experience a problem (minor as it may be or even a major problem) based on how many have been purchased.

OP....specifically what problem are you experiencing.....maybe we can help you diagnose it.

Best of luck.
I went to Guitar Center today to visit some amps while mine's being repaired. Ended up playing six different Mesas. The Mark V is still my favorite of the current production.

Also, ****, people put some wacky settings on those amps. The Mark V had the bass and presence cranked.
I've explained my problem here somewhere in another topic.
It makes a crackling noise when turned on, it's not the cables, or the guitar (already checked that).
I know this is a common problem related to 12ax7 pre tube.
This problem differs because I could not manage to tap some of the tubes which are so difficult to reach.
Still, the noise stops after playing for a while. It makes a crackling noise and some windlike noise.
I'm taking it to the store in a few hours... They say they can take care of it on the spot and let me bring it back again if its a tube related problem.
I just don't want it to be some resistor or something... Mesa distributor (Mesa say their distributors can fix whatever problem the amp has) in Portugal is not the same as Mesa USA you know!!! in 6 hours time I hope the problem will be solved!
If it is a pre tube its funny to see an amp with a damaged tube perform better that everyone else, like it did this past weekend!!! heheheh
Ok, its not the tubes...
The amp stayed at the store, will be shipped tomorrow for the distributor!
Let's wait and see... :(
This was what I was hoping not to happen.. Because as I said this is not USA so, they say it will take a week, lets hope they don't ruin anything..
Sorry to hear that Rkorn. Did they at least tell you what they thought the problem was prior to shipping? I would hope so.

Best of luck!

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