Input needed - speakers mix question - Roadster head

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2007
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Hi guys!

I run a Mesa 2x12 vertical cab with my Roadster head and it's awesome (I don't miss my 4x12 oversized cab at all). However, I’m starting thinking about buying a second one...

My current cab (w/V30) would still be my main cab, but when the gigs and transportation would allow it, I would bring a second cab, to add richness to my sound (more speakers, so more presence), but also and mostly to complete it by trying a mix of different speakers.

I'm thinking putting no V30 at all in the second one, so I was wondering, for those who have a Mesa 2x12 vertical cab and tried different speakers, which ones would you suggest me? What I'm looking for is a cab that would enhance my clean sound (I do use an acoustic simulator on some songs and I know it would sound a lot better with a speaker more suited for it than a V30) and make my dirt tone even more tighter and cut more in the mix (the Roadster is pretty dark).

I remember liking the sound of the G12T75 in my former Marshall cab, but since it has less midrange, I'm afraid it wouldn't help me much in the end... I mean I guess my clean would be more sparkling, but I'm not that convinced about my dirt tones...

I just don't know what would blend well. I've heard good things about the GK100 and the C90, would those in the same cab be a great choice?

Well, you see my point...

Anything you guys could tell me to help me decide?

Thanks a lot!
I tend to run my ch 4 Modern mode mids around 1:00 with a TS-9 as a boost so cut was never an issue for me. What I did notice was more string definition, and more articulate overtones in ch 3 Vintage for leads. I also use an MXR graphic EQ out front to boost the mids and push the preamp for solos. That made the biggest difference for me in the "cut".

I feel the cleans are awesome with this setup. I use Tweed mode in ch 1 for cleans, with the guitar volume rolled back a bit for "squeaky" cleans. With the guitar volume full up I get just a hint of breakup if I strum hard. Very full bodied without being muddy.

I find that with cleans a lot depends on the guitar wood, design and pickups.

Do H30 and H65 are Celestion speakers? I took a look at their website and don't see anything like it.

nismofreakish said:
Do H30 and H65 are Celestion speakers? I took a look at their website and don't see anything like it.


Ah. They now offer the H30s with the option between the 55Hz or 75Hz cone. The H65 was a typo. It's basically the G12-65. I think the ones I have in my cab are H30s with the 55Hz cones. That being said, I dig V30 with my Mesa cleans, so it's all good. Might be cool trying out both of my cabs with each one running different sets of speakers (V30s & H30s). I would like to grab a 4X12 straight cab with H30s someday. In fact, I'm curious as to how those Fillmore speakers that are sold by Mesa would sound like...
nismofreakish said:
Ok, thanks Dom!

Have you ever experienced the Gk100? Anyone?

I have two of them. They're absolutely incredible for heavy stuff.

Well... due to some unexpected financial fees, it seems I won't get the second 2x12 vertical anytime soon :(

But I may try mixing a V30 of my actual cab with another speaker. I just don't wanna lose any punch and agressiveness of my actual sound.

I would like my tone to be richier on the dirt tones and the clean glassier.

Would the V30 + C90 still the best option, considering I would end up with only 1 V30?


Also, I was wondering since my cab is slanted, which speaker would you put in the slanted position?

I mean, would the C90 be too much harsh for the ears if put in that position?
I would try the C90 on top. The V30 has more pronounced mids which might make it appear louder when listening close on axis with the speaker. YMMV.

BTW, the speakers wires are soldered on.

nismofreakish said:
thx Dom.

But, excuse my ignorance, but what do you mean by "soldered on" ? :oops:
It means that the wires inside the cabinet are soldered to the speaker terminals. They are not push-on style connectors. This will require you to either solder the wires to the new speaker or attach 1/4" push on connectors to the wires.

IMO soldering is the most reliable, although I have never had issues with my Avatar cabs which use push-on connectors.

maybe a bit late, but i´m running my roadster through a marshall 4x12 with a V30/T75 mix. i love this sound. the low-end from the T75, the midrange of the V30s and the nice top-end of the T75 - this combination delivers a wide range of tone.

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