So a couple days ago I found a very nice looking Mark V on craigslist. So just for giggles I hit the guy up seeing if it would even be of interest to make the swap for my Electra Dyne. To my surprise he wanted to, so tomorrow I'm meeting up with him to trade my ED for his Mark V with me throwing an additional $200 on top, I think it's a more than fair deal.
Here's the thing, I REALLY like the ED, however it definitely excels in the clean and British low to mid gain crunch. I play aggressive hard rock, with some technical metal riffs here and there. I can get the ED to do what I want, but after going to GC and trying out the Mark V head on the 2X12 Rectifier cab (I had only played the combo previously) with the Petrucci settings as a starting point, I was easily sold. It has a much more American feel that I really have missed. Plus I was getting a little bored with the ED, I like to tweak my amp (I enjoy the learning experience) and with the ED once you get things set, they are set. For most players this is great, and it is, but I miss having a ton of knobs to play around with, and discovering new things about an amp daily. So, the Electra Dyne is an amazing amplifier, one of my favorites, but it's definitely time to move on and try something new. This will be my first time actually owning a Mark series. The guitar player in my old band had a Mark IV and I LOVED it, so I feel I'll be more the happy with the Mark V.
I have two shows this weekend, I'll update how it goes with the Mark V.
Here's the thing, I REALLY like the ED, however it definitely excels in the clean and British low to mid gain crunch. I play aggressive hard rock, with some technical metal riffs here and there. I can get the ED to do what I want, but after going to GC and trying out the Mark V head on the 2X12 Rectifier cab (I had only played the combo previously) with the Petrucci settings as a starting point, I was easily sold. It has a much more American feel that I really have missed. Plus I was getting a little bored with the ED, I like to tweak my amp (I enjoy the learning experience) and with the ED once you get things set, they are set. For most players this is great, and it is, but I miss having a ton of knobs to play around with, and discovering new things about an amp daily. So, the Electra Dyne is an amazing amplifier, one of my favorites, but it's definitely time to move on and try something new. This will be my first time actually owning a Mark series. The guitar player in my old band had a Mark IV and I LOVED it, so I feel I'll be more the happy with the Mark V.
I have two shows this weekend, I'll update how it goes with the Mark V.