If you need work done on your Boogie, I know a bad-ass tech!

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
Leander Texas
Our own Andy "Monstatone" Turner.

Andy is a top notch tech. I highly recommend him. I bought a 1988 .50 Cal+ head about a year and a half ago. Got a great deal on it on e-bay. When I got it the clean channel was super noisy and the lead channel was just ok. ( I have a 1990 .50 Cal+ head in tip top order to compare to). I started e-mailing Andy, told him I thought it probably need new caps and probably needed a complete overhaul, he agreed. I then told him about my 1990 .50Cal+, how I had Kendrick amps install 100 watt transformers and switch the 6L6's out for 6550's. He seemed intrigued... I told him I'd like to do the same to my new head except I wanted "True" 50 watt transformers cause the wimpy trannys on the .50Cal do not put out 50 watts. Andy said let me think about this and talk to some people and I'll get back with you. So a day later he calls me and tells me he been taking to the owner of Mercury Magnetics and has just what I need. And to my surprise Andy said I only needed to replace the output transformer to achieve what I wanted. I was skeptical since I had shelled out $650.00 in 1998 to Kendrick amps... He asked me to trust him, so I shipped my amp to him. He e-mailed me during the process, and called me 3-4 days after he got my amp to tell me it was done and sounded GREAT! First of all, I was like finished? What? From the time I shipped my amp to Andy I had it back within two weeks. He also added a 4,8,16 ohm selector switch, cause I had mentioned I thought it was lame that there were two 8 ohm speaker jacks and one 16 ohm jack and no 4 ohm jack. I can tell you the amp sounds better than my 1990 .50 Cal+, the lead channel is a little livelier, the clean channel is cleaner, and though not as loud as my Kendrick modded amp, it's now a true 50 watts and is loud enough to keep up with the other guitarist in my band's MKIII. Also, I paid under $350.00 including the new Mecury Transformer, new caps, new LDR's etc. So send your amps to Andy with confidence.
+10....Andy has walked me through quite a few issues on my amps the past few years. He's definitely got an immense amount of real, practical knowledge on all things Mesa. Hopefully, I'm going to ba able to let him lay hands on one of mine soon...that'll be great!!! :mrgreen:
:oops: Ah shucks! :oops:

You guys are awesome! The best advertising I ever invested in was making the customer happy!

We may be moving back to the Mainland at the end of the year. Austin is on our short list.
Basically, we like living in the country, but close enough to the city that we can get there in a few minutes.
Would it be possible to give you a call? I've never been to Austin and have tons of questions.
Hmmm. I've got a 50 cal + so this intrigues me. Did you just measure the primary of the original one and get one that's close?
He talked back and forth with the owner of Mercury Magnetics, it wasn't just "Try this transformer out". All I can say is that my amp with the new transformer kicks the living daylights out of the stock version period.
where are you located Monsta? I need my Mark IV serviced but haven't found a great tech yet, I'm located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Currently on Maui, but planning on moving to the Nashville area at the end of the year.

I usually only have the chassis, tubes, and footswitch shipped if it's a combo to save on costs. USPS has so far been the most affordable way to ship here, but UPS has Ground service here as well.
Andy, knowing that without the amp you don;t KNOW... I'm orign owner of a '79-80 Mk2b 60w combo. I'm not a crunch/severe overdrive guy, favor Strats, and Damnably I spent decades never finding the voice in it. I bought a Fender SuperSonic combo a couple years back and like it a lot. My plan was to sell teh Mesa, but have never managed to actually do it. It sits here being the Most Amazingly Built Amp I can imagine, as it's always been, and I keep wondering if there's a fix.
Johnny V in DC
JohnVM2b said:
Andy, knowing that without the amp you don;t KNOW... I'm orign owner of a '79-80 Mk2b 60w combo. I'm not a crunch/severe overdrive guy, favor Strats, and Damnably I spent decades never finding the voice in it. I bought a Fender SuperSonic combo a couple years back and like it a lot. My plan was to sell teh Mesa, but have never managed to actually do it. It sits here being the Most Amazingly Built Amp I can imagine, as it's always been, and I keep wondering if there's a fix.
Johnny V in DC

PM sent!

Currently in Maui, but intends to move to the Nashville area later this year.
Yep! I don't play Reggae or Hawaiian, so it's time to live where there is a huge music scene.
You da man Andy! Great job on my old DC-5. Might hit you up for some work on
my DC-10 after my family and I move.
Good luck with your move!