Ibanez TS9 VS Ibanez T9DX turbo- WHICH IS BEST?

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Well-known member
Aug 25, 2009
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I had a ts9 dx turbo and liked it..the only pedal i eer liked but sold it as bought a mesa boogie after giving up tring to get a more saturated tone from a ornge rocker 30 a class head. Now having the duel rec 3 ch and reading about running a tubescreamer out front and how that can improve the topne I want to get another pedal. Having tried boss ds1, bd2 etc over the past few years and never liking any sound from any I was suprised how good the ibanez sounded. So which of the two is best duited to the duel rectifier?> I play all kinds of stuff from jack johnson to killswitch engage but am after a warm blues gary moore type tone as the standard setting for most things I play..

Ive never played a standard ts9 and wondered if the tone of the ds9dx turbo is compromised due to it being around the same price and having more features????

Ibanez TS9 or Ibanez T9DX turbo?
If you are just using it as a boost the TS9 is fine. The turbo just has some more options if you are using it for more than a boost.

Most people will say get the Maxon version of the pedal because it's better. I have never played on the Maxon but I had a TS-9 for quite a few years and my buddy builds pedals and has made a lot of TS-9 and TS808 clones.

The stock TS-9 has a bass roll off and a mid hump so your Rectifier will sound tighter to you (or sound thinner) depends on what you like.

The nicer versions of the pedal don't have that bass roll off.

Since you like Killswitch I say go for the Maxon. They have always talked about how that boosting their amps is the key to their tone. You will also be able to use it as a normal overdrive for lots of other great sounds.
i went for the maxon OD808 after a bit of reading etc....should be here next week. Im currently getting my amp closer so the sound i like which is good
I would say a TS-9 for sure. There's a lot of reasons, but mostly, it sounds better.

I have the analogman silver mod. I've tried keeley and the silver blew it away for me. the only product keeley's done better than mike to me is the boost category-the katana and java are both excellent, while the beano boost i dispised, even though it's a specific treble booster.

The mod in my TS-9 ironed out the aforementioned problems with the stock version, particularly the bass drop and mid hump. it's much more transparent than stock-excellent as a standalone OD (not as good as the King of Tone), but the best IMO in terms of adding solidarity and chunk to your dirty tone. Plus it looks badass with an orange LED.

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