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Nov 9, 2008
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Hey everyone, about to make a large purchase into a new boogie. I've been working my *** off gathering cash for one of these expensive mothers! Anyway, nuff said. I'm a jazz/fusion player thats also likes to crank it up sometimes and 'rock out' so to speak. I just went to the local guitar/amp store and tried a lonestar classic.. Amazing blew away with cleans, not So convinced with the OD.. Too much bass/muddiness? Now I've heard lots and lots about the road king... I also know its a heavier load on the wallet so I would really appreciate the TRUTH about this question from players that own/have owned the two amps (Lonestar Classic and the Road King v 2): Does the road king v2 have the same clean sound and quality of the lonestar's? I am talking about the 'WOW' clean (people that have played the Lonestar know which one I'm talking about). I ask this firstly because I don't have the chance to try one out and can only buy one with special order; and secondly, playing at a store is different from playing at home, having all the time you want etc. I need an amp with PRESTINE cleans... Either I will save for some time more and get the legendary road king, or settle for the amazing LoneStar and maybe find a nice OD pedal... I would prefer no pedals though since I am more of Guitar-cable-amp guy... Oh, by the way just to give you a better idea, I play with a Gibson Super 400 and a Les Paul Standard... All replies will be much appreciated and valued, but please, I want the honest and deep truth about the clean channel of the RK comparing to the Lonestar (sorry for the many questions!). Thanks.
How did you have channel 2 tweaked on the LS ? The bass control needs to be almost completely off . I think mine is set at 1 or 2 .
tarek88 said:
Hey everyone, about to make a large purchase into a new boogie. I've been working my *** off gathering cash for one of these expensive mothers! Anyway, nuff said. I'm a jazz/fusion player thats also likes to crank it up sometimes and 'rock out' so to speak. I just went to the local guitar/amp store and tried a lonestar classic.. Amazing blew away with cleans, not So convinced with the OD.. Too much bass/muddiness? Now I've heard lots and lots about the road king... I also know its a heavier load on the wallet so I would really appreciate the TRUTH about this question from players that own/have owned the two amps (Lonestar Classic and the Road King v 2): Does the road king v2 have the same clean sound and quality of the lonestar's? I am talking about the 'WOW' clean (people that have played the Lonestar know which one I'm talking about). I ask this firstly because I don't have the chance to try one out and can only buy one with special order; and secondly, playing at a store is different from playing at home, having all the time you want etc. I need an amp with PRESTINE cleans... Either I will save for some time more and get the legendary road king, or settle for the amazing LoneStar and maybe find a nice OD pedal... I would prefer no pedals though since I am more of Guitar-cable-amp guy... Oh, by the way just to give you a better idea, I play with a Gibson Super 400 and a Les Paul Standard... All replies will be much appreciated and valued, but please, I want the honest and deep truth about the clean channel of the RK comparing to the Lonestar (sorry for the many questions!). Thanks.

Having just traveled the same path [sell all pedals, amps and get ONE nice amp that will be a GUITAR -> CABLE -> AMP setup] I think I can give some good input here...

I just bought and went through the following amps:

Mark IV
Stiletto Deuce II
Lone Star Classic v2
Road King II

To answer your questions:
The RK and Roadster DO have the LS channel one cleans. They are AMAZING.

I owned the RKII for about a week and returned it just because I couldn't get down with spending 2800 on a head. I figured I would lie in waiting and pounce on a used one in mint condition for 25% off.

While I was waiting, a bug of mine pointed me to the Roadster. The differences in the RK and Roadster are:
Progressive Linkage (el 34's on the fly rather than having to hit a bias switch and change tubes)
Cab switching
2nd effects loop

Other than that, the Roadster and RK are the same amp.

So - I waited and found a Roadster head mint used with 4 years of warranty left for $1450 delivered. These typically sell for 1400 to 1600 or so used in this condition. It had quenched my Lonestar cleans needs, my versatility needs with 4 channels and covers some nice grit to recto growl beautifully.

I am running mine with 34's in it and have finally settled on an amp I can be truly happy with and not feel wanting for something else.

Give the Roadster a shot. Let me know what you wind up with.
Never plugged in to a roadking/ster, so sorry if this isn't much help, but regarding the LS, ch2 two is a whole different beast w/the reeder mod (#1). Essentially, the LS could be considered a Mark IID of sorts.* ( The differences between the LS & the Mark series are significant, but so are the similarities. The bass on the LS & the Marks is a little loose: the LS is better, but the gain channel can't deal w/too much bass. The over-sized cab of the LSC helps accentuate the low end so it still sounds full even w/the bass turned way down. A higher fidelity speaker can also tighten the bass response. i use an EV. The master vol for ch2 on the LSC (post reeder mod) is very sensitive: the Marks are this way also. If you haven't heard a reeder mod'ed LS ch2, then you haven't heard all this amp can do. i modd'ed mine a while back & am *quite* pleased w/it. In the context of your issue, the LSC is a bit cheaper than a roadking/ster if it matters at all.

* From the article on the mesa site (http://www.mesaboogie.com/Reviews/ToneQuest-LoneStar/ToneQuest-RCS-Interview.htm) Randall Says:

"I wanted to offer an updated version of the Mark I — not a faithful recreation of the original as the Reissue is — but start with a clean sheet of paper and add all I've learned over 30 years. One thing those years have taught me is a growing ability to make the complex become simpler. The Lone Star cops all the virtues of the Mark I, but it works better as a true two channel amp. It's simpler to understand and operate, it footswitches well, and so on."


tarek88 said:
Hey everyone, about to make a large purchase into a new boogie. I've been working my *** off gathering cash for one of these expensive mothers! Anyway, nuff said. I'm a jazz/fusion player thats also likes to crank it up sometimes and 'rock out' so to speak. I just went to the local guitar/amp store and tried a lonestar classic.. Amazing blew away with cleans, not So convinced with the OD.. Too much bass/muddiness? Now I've heard lots and lots about the road king... I also know its a heavier load on the wallet so I would really appreciate the TRUTH about this question from players that own/have owned the two amps (Lonestar Classic and the Road King v 2): Does the road king v2 have the same clean sound and quality of the lonestar's? I am talking about the 'WOW' clean (people that have played the Lonestar know which one I'm talking about). I ask this firstly because I don't have the chance to try one out and can only buy one with special order; and secondly, playing at a store is different from playing at home, having all the time you want etc. I need an amp with PRESTINE cleans... Either I will save for some time more and get the legendary road king, or settle for the amazing LoneStar and maybe find a nice OD pedal... I would prefer no pedals though since I am more of Guitar-cable-amp guy... Oh, by the way just to give you a better idea, I play with a Gibson Super 400 and a Les Paul Standard... All replies will be much appreciated and valued, but please, I want the honest and deep truth about the clean channel of the RK comparing to the Lonestar (sorry for the many questions!). Thanks.
These settings helped me out immensly . I really think you should give the LS another try .

Of course you would fine tune it to your guitar but this is a good starting point . Did you see the Andy Timmons LS demo on the Mesa site ?
Hey guys thanks for all the input, great help... I'm leaning towards the Lone Star Classic head for now with an oversized 2 x 12 cab and later possibly add another 2x12. Hopefully in some time maybe get a nice dual rec to connect it with an AB switch. or another amp with really sweet distortion... Any1 have any ideas? I'm not so into the really really really high gain 'nasaly' distortion the dual rec has on channel 3 modern. I like high gain, fluid style/watery... Any directions on where to look?
I use a LS head and a Deuce via a tonebone VT headbone . I have a 4X12 Stiletto slant cab and 2X12 recto horizontal closed back cab . I really think the 2X12 cab is one of the best designs ever . That cab is absolutely amazing . As far as gain , The LS is more gainy than you might expect . The Deuce is an a amazing amp as well .
Barry said:
How did you have channel 2 tweaked on the LS ? The bass control needs to be almost completely off . I think mine is set at 1 or 2 .

x2 once you get it set up and turn it up to a decent level is SINGS! its not a dual recto kind of sound but sorta santana ish sustain.
I had a lonestar classic, and for me it was a perfect clean amp/pedal platform. I had a love/hate thing going on with channel 2, so I found a pedal I liked and set up channel 2 as a dirty-er channel 1. My channels went CH 1-clean CH 2-dirty clean, CH1 + pedal dirty, CH2+pedal=Lead. All in all, I could of done all this with a Roadster with just a guitar and cord. Live and learn I guess.