I need a tube tutor please - n00b here please help (LSC)

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Well-known member
Sep 27, 2005
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Chicago, IL
Here is the story, I have never gigged with a tube amp; only solid state and I have done a good amount of gigging. I've owned tube amps before but only taken them out once or twice to shows but want that to change.

I love the tone of my LSC and want to take it on stage with me. However, I am nervous about any potential problems with tubes. Please would someone tell me things I need to do when preparing to take a tube amp to gigs?

Logic tells me to pickup some extra tubes but I don't know much about pairing, bias, brands, what I need to look out for, etc.

Please would some please help me so I can go into our next show with both my LSC and confidence!

Grab a few fuses when you get a spare set of tubes.

As far as brands.. do you like the stock tubes and how they sound in your amp? You can always order another identical set from Mesa if that's the case. If you're looking for something cheaper, have a look here:


and read the reviews of the different tube brands. Eurotubes only sells JJ's so make sure you check out doug's tubes since he sells most popular brands.
Okay, thanks. I am very happy with my LSC tone but can't justify the cost to buy a whole backup set thru Mesa. Here is what I am thinking:

1. Buy extra fuses (4 amp slo-blo) $5
2. Pick up a matches quad of JJ 6L6 GC ($60)
3. Pick up a 4 unbalanced, 1 balanced 12AX7 EH ($47)
4. Pickup a 5U4GBEJ ($11)

How does that sound?

I've read the manual and it says if a powertube fails, check the fuse since it is a likely culrpit. Is that correct from your experience?

Also, please help me with a few more:
What are some "malfunctions" I can expect?
How do I diagnose them?
How do I rectify (pun intended) them?

Thanks. I'm trying to get away from lugging a backup amp to gigs. Right now I've got my "Oh Sh!t" box which has: a poweramp & a POD XT bean in a 2U case and I figured if something went really wrong I could just use the speaker from the Mesa and run the POD and that poweramp.

But what I am trying to get to is how to continue a show with my Mesa if I experience any malfunctions. Sure, I know it will take a couple minutes but things happen.
If you like the tone of your amp, it might be cheaper to pick up a pair of power tubes, I wouldn't pick up all 4 as spares. Same is true of your pre-amp tubes. The Mesa tubes are all spec'd to run in your Lone Star. So you'd be OK in a pinch.

You made a nice transition from Solid State to tube amps. I'm sure that your going to love that amp!

I've had tubes that didn't sound good, just due to use and without having fuse issues. They still functioned but I didn't like the tone. There's no set time as to when to expect one to go out. It depends on how hard you drive them and occasionally they have a mind of their own. Having a couple spares on hand is a good precaution for a gig. You shouldn't need an entire set, though. If you'd ever have to replace all your tubes in one evening, then you've got bigger problems with your amp.
Thanks I'm loving it already! I tried to love my TRRI, but I owned a total of 4 and each had a phase oscialtion problem.

Back to tubes... Okay, I'll pickup a pair of each and not even worry about the Rect tube since I can always go to diodes.

I don't understand this statement:
Brewski said:
The Mesa tubes are all spec'd to run in your Lone Star. So you'd be OK in a pinch.

Thanks again.
I don't understand this statement:
Brewski wrote:
The Mesa tubes are all spec'd to run in your Lone Star. So you'd be OK in a pinch.

Sorry, I wasn't very clear. What I was trying to say was that a pair of Mesa brand tubes are specifically graded and matched for the fixed bias of the Mesa line of amps. If you bought another line of tubes, say JJ's, you would need to add a note to let them know that they are for your Lone Star, so they can provide you with a set of tubes that fall within that bias range. Eurotubes, will do this for you, as well as, give you tubes that will either break up earlier (distortion), or later for more clean headroom (clean volume), depending on what you want your amp to do.

A number of other amp manufacturers, like Fender, have adjustable bias pots, so when you put in a set of tubes, they reset the bias of the amp to the tube, so they don't run too hot or too cold. With Mesa having a fixed bias on their amps, they match their tubes to the fixed bias, so they are just plug and play. If you go to the Mesa website, there is an article on bias and what it is.
I never really carried spare tubes when I was gigging alot! I did'nt worry about it! I replaced them once a year! A tube will usually exhibit bad tonal characteristics before theres a catastrophic failure! Usually!
A few tubes, and a box of fuses... I always plug into a fused power strip.
After a few shows, you'll gain confidence in your Mesa gear. Mine hasn't failed me yet, as many others will attest as well.. That's where the difference lies between Mesa and many other companies...You'll carry that little cache of tubes/fuses etc. But will probably never use them... Change out tubes regularly, based on usage, and take care of your tubes ie. warm them up a few minutes before taking it off standby, and cool 'em down a few minutes before shutting down... Try to keep the temp stable... Don't leave your amp by the back door of the stage too long in the cold, and then plug and play......etc. No moisture, median temps, warm up, cool down... Doing this will help keep you from devastating "up in smoke" scenarios.... I also visually make sure no tubes have come loose in transit prior to plugging it in, and I handle my equipment myself, no banging, dropping etc.
These Boogs were made with a gigger in mind.
Confidence man, confidence... :wink:
ax. 8)
Thanks everyone. Got a couple more questions....

If I blew a power tube w/o a backup, could I make sure good tubes were on the outside and safely run in 50W mode?

If I blew a preamp tube w/o a backup, could turn off the FX loop and pos the V3 tube in the slot of the blown tube and run safely?

I'm not a Mesa expert, but I seem to recall hearing something about Mesa warranty being void if you were to use non-Mesa tubes. Is this something someone should be aware of?
marshman said:
I'm not a Mesa expert, but I seem to recall hearing something about Mesa warranty being void if you were to use non-Mesa tubes. Is this something someone should be aware of?

Yes, this is true... but I suppose it's like a car.. you take off the aftermarket mods when you take it in to the dealership? :p

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