I Need a Trem-O-Verb mod

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PC Biz

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2006
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I sold my T-verb a while ago, and now I'm going to buy another one. The only problem with it was that it didn't have enough clean headroom for me. Can anyone here point me in the direction of modding the clean channel for more clean headroom?
voodoo amps.. google it or it might be www.voodooamps.com
If you are expecting "headroom" clean like a Mark Series (especially Is and IIs), I'm not sure if that's possible on a Trem-o-Verb, Dual Rectifiers etc ...

That's the trade-off, you get those extra channel modes at the expense sacrificing "headroom" cleans. Well that's what I experience maybe someone else has a take on this.
Voodooamps may be able to help. However, I want to do the mod myself. I'm handy with a soldering iron, and if all else fails, I can ship it back to MB.
I know that you are handy with a soldering iron, but do you have a good iron? I have a few as I am an electronics tech. I would recomend that you send it to a pro. I would send it to boogie, they know the amp after all. PC boards are very finicky. it doesn't take much heat to pull a solder run, or a component. I would be very careful doing the mod myself.

I put an adjustable bias on my 5150, and was amazed at how close all of the components are to one another, it took patience and a steady hand, and of course a very fine point on the iron.

I don't know your level or knowledge so excuse me if I came off as patronizing, this was not my intent. :)

Good luck
I talked to Trace at Voodoo a while back about my T-verb and he said they would no longer mod T-verbs due to unstable components in the t-verb. He said Mesa makes great products, but the t-verb has some parts that just can't handle the change and Mesa knows about this and has an upgrade they can do to this for around $300 (and I think that includes new tubes too), but Voodoo still won't do the mods.

On a side note, they stopped doing mods on Road Kings too due to some reliability issues after the mods were done. I thought about getting the mod done on my Road King, but that throws that out of the boat :cry:

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