I must be the unluckiest Mesa owner (EVER)

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Reg - What a terrible experience you have had; I really feel for you and I understand how frustrated you must be over this whole thing.

I hope that your Express comes back from the shop in working order and stays that way. I've had my 5:50 for nearly 6 months now, with no trouble at all; and it is has more than met my needs.

However, I agree with everyone else that has posted about this, and your last post too. If it doesn't work this time, move on to a different model. Mesa makes too many great products, and I would hate for you to feel tainted by the experience, and have the thought in your mind that it *might* break again.

Okay, well fingers firmly crossed for you!!!!


Richt :D
Amp back today and from what I can see, now two of the 12AX7s are hardly glowing at all! (see new post looking for advice).

Still the shop have given me the weekend to decide what I want to do.

Anyone in the US ever seen that Basil Fawlty sketch when he thrashes his car with a branch when it breaks down?
I feel a Youtube posting coming on!
Hi I would recommend,trash the amp!!!

Get a Lonestar Classic,I played one today (properly) and it is quite possibly thee best amp I ahve played,Im a recto sorta guy but these are tremendous amps,seriously try one....quick
Reg said:
Amp back today and from what I can see, now two of the 12AX7s are hardly glowing at all! (see new post looking for advice).

Still the shop have given me the weekend to decide what I want to do.

Anyone in the US ever seen that Basil Fawlty sketch when he thrashes his car with a branch when it breaks down?
I feel a Youtube posting coming on!

Oh man I haven't seen Fawlty Towers in so long. They don't show it very many places here in the states!
hahahaa its bloody brilliant

try by like a box set on dvd or something I love it

have you ever seen Monty Python...its basically the same but very funny
Good Luck with your Express issues, it's a **** shame your first experience was like this, that's horrible.

I've played Mesa's for going on 10 years and have never had a problem (other than user error) with ANY of Mesa's amps. Hopefully, it won't taint your view of a very fine amp company. Good Luck !
I worked at a Mesa dealer for 4 years and they were consistantly the most problematic amplifiers new out of the box we ever had. We also carried Marshall, Fender, Peavey, Crate, Ampeg and one or two others I can't remember. Mesa left them in the dust for fresh, out of the box breakdowns.

The rec's were always quite reliable but it was quite common for combos (Reverb Rockets/ Nomads/ Mark IV's etc.) to have relay issues or problems with the reverb circuit and other random crap. This was particularly tough when a customer had waited over 4-6 months for their special order to come in and it wouldn't work. They felt OK waiting because they felt they were buying a superior product. As you can imagine they would be pissed.

For those of you who espouse they're "Built Like Tanks" are just regurgitating Mesa's own advertising slogan. It would be like guys who dig Marshall's always saying " They're the sound of rock...dude :wink: "

I'm not saying Mesa's suck, brand X rules as I'm gassing real hard for a LSS. But they are not built like tanks. I will, as something of a positive say, that I think that most of their problems are QC related and once a Mesa is in put back into proper working order it will hold up quite well.
mesanomad100 said:
hahahaa its bloody brilliant

try by like a box set on dvd or something I love it

have you ever seen Monty Python...its basically the same but very funny

Yes of course :)

FT is harder to come by out here
skoora said:
I worked at a Mesa dealer for 4 years and they were consistantly the most problematic amplifiers new out of the box we ever had. We also carried Marshall, Fender, Peavey, Crate, Ampeg and one or two others I can't remember. Mesa left them in the dust for fresh, out of the box breakdowns.

The rec's were always quite reliable but it was quite common for combos (Reverb Rockets/ Nomads/ Mark IV's etc.) to have relay issues or problems with the reverb circuit and other random crap. This was particularly tough when a customer had waited over 4-6 months for their special order to come in and it wouldn't work. They felt OK waiting because they felt they were buying a superior product. As you can imagine they would be pissed.

For those of you who espouse they're "Built Like Tanks" are just regurgitating Mesa's own advertising slogan. It would be like guys who dig Marshall's always saying " They're the sound of rock...dude :wink: "

I'm not saying Mesa's suck, brand X rules as I'm gassing real hard for a LSS. But they are not built like tanks. I will, as something of a positive say, that I think that most of their problems are QC related and once a Mesa is in put back into proper working order it will hold up quite well.

this aint good,bad quality control or shipping is to blame
Hi skoora, that's an interesting point about reliability especially from someone who has had experience of working around all types of amps.

This has made me think twice about even upgrading.
I'd probably only end up getting another naff one.

As the saying goes, I'm so unlucky I could fall into a barrel of tits and still come out sucking my thumb!
Reg said:
Hi skoora, that's an interesting point about reliability especially from someone who has had experience of working around all types of amps.

This has made me think twice about even upgrading.
I'd probably only end up getting another naff one.

As the saying goes, I'm so unlucky I could fall into a barrel of tits and still come out sucking my thumb!

I stopped working at the store in late 2000, so things may have changed. But honestly if I was going through what you are right now I would definitely give up on the Express altogether. I would feel that way with any brand. It's a sign plain and simple.
Sorry for your frustrations and enjoy that thumb!
Ohhh sorry man that stinks. Just so you know I just bought a Lonestar Classic and it it is currently at a repair shop. =( If they work properly they sound great though=)
I have never had problems with Mesa, whether it is customer service or the product itself. (Granted, I am an American and have never dealt with the UK service).

I have had Mesa equipment since the 80's and I am happy about their products. I agree... you may want to try another amp than the Express.. either that amp is not made for you or the model is not that good. (I can't believe I said that... I feel like jumping off a cliff... forgive me Randall..)

I would probably try something else in the meantime.
Well I have had similiar bad luck, but not with mesa mine is with Gibson. I have a Gibson Explorer pro, Fret Buzz, needs a fret job, I have a brand new Gibson Les Paul Standard, its almost unplayable, fret buzz, needs a fret job. I will never ever buy a Gibson Guitar again, their pickups are terrible, replaced the pickups in both guitars. They both play like 200.00 dollar washburn guitars. The only thing good about them is that they are beautiful guitars. Beyond that, i cant think of a good thing about them.
Late comment.
Certainly, shipping out of country can't be a positive in this equation. However, I have had three Mesa's in my home, and each has presented itself differently than it did at the store. I didn't throw them around getting them home either. An Express 5:25, LSC and an LSS. Various noises, fluctuations in gain/volume, etc.. I have determined that amps are like cars, the noises or behaviors they exhibit, that you don't like and want fixed, won't show themselves at the shop. Nothing worse than an erratic problem. In my case, the symtoms did not point to tubes as the problem, however, once I settled in with the LSS I replaced two pre-amp tubes with GT's - a AX7M in V1 and an AT7 in V4, though it really didn't work well, so now I have a AX7C in V4. I had to move the remaining Mesa tubes about and find the weak ones and best locations for each (it does make a difference). Knock on wood, so far so good.

By the way.....you know Mesa is what it is, and why you gotta have it, by how the sound makes you feel when your playing. If this experience you've had with the Expresses has left you numb, you owe it to yourself to look at something else. A different Mesa or another brand. I'd push for a discount approved by Mesa (dealers can't discount on their own) on a MarkIV or Stilletto. Hope you find the sound that stirs your soul. Jeff
I have also had Mesa amps since the 80's and never had a problem. I bought one of the early Tremoverb Combo's and that thing has worked reliably since new. It's real heavy mofo but it works great and has no buzzing or other issues. I recently had a tube issue with it (other thread) but putting Mesa tubes solved the problem.

I have even dropped it out of a Minivan onto the pavement, plugged it in and it was just fine. Barely scratched the leather. By the way, those of you that have vans with a power rear hatch, check which way your amp is leaning before you press the button ..... :oops:

I don't know if this is a case of "They don't make 'em like they used to" but mine has been "Built like tank" and is still going strong.

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