I have two problems with my new Tremoverb head....

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Dr. Tweedbucket

Well-known member
Dec 10, 2006
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It is a 1995 and the smooth leather like vinyl is bubbling up and coming loose in places. I wonder if there is an easy way to glue it back down without stripping it all off and retolexing the head ? :(

The other thing is, the tremelo sounds like crap. :evil: The way it cycles, it turns itself completely off and sounds really unnatural. The Trem tube is a 12AX7 ..... I may try a 12AT7 or 12AU7 in there and see what that does ......

...oh, also I can't get the foot switch to work ! !!

This was a crappy ebay transaction and this guy deserves a big NEG feedback since he said the amp was like new and didn't mention any of this. :evil: :evil:


.... other than that, I LOVE the tone on this amp !! Freaking amazing !! I just sold my 3 ch DR and this amp just kills the 3Ch DR. The Blues mode is a nice little feature :eek:
I had a 98 Tremoverb for a while. Great amp. Kinda wish I still had it.

With a name like Tremoverb you would think it would have a kick as onboard tremolo. Not the case, and I am sure others would agree.....it is for the most part useless. Especially in live applications where it drops the volume of the amp when engaged.
Good idea to try some different tubes, but most likey it is not going to solve your issue.

Is it the Rectifier channel switcher that you have that is not working? You said you have had other rectifiers, but just to be sure....make sure it is set to footswitch with the channel assign button on the back and also have it plugged into the footswitch jack since there are like 4 1/4" jacks in the back.

Overall I liked the tones attainable with my Tverb, but for versatility in live applications it didn't do it for me. Now I have a 3ch DR and at first I fought with it and thought 'why did I get rid of the Tverb'. I recently had it modified though and couldn't be happier. More refined like the Tverb now, but with some added aggressiveness. 3 channels and the solo boost that are all useful at the stomp of a button is awesome.

Compared in stock form though I agree the Tverb wins for tone.
I got the foot switch working. I guess the amp has to be on the Orange ch. on the back. The trem is useless even with different tubes. I was hoping it was just my amp and I could get it fixed. :(
Dr. Tweedbucket said:
I got the foot switch working. I guess the amp has to be on the Orange ch. on the back. The trem is useless even with different tubes. I was hoping it was just my amp and I could get it fixed. :(
According the schematic I have, the tremolo is SS using a 555 timer. So, I'm betting that the tubes probably won't have an affect. :)

I didn't buy my T-verb for the T, but it's usable on the clean channel for a little variation. I'm not a tremolo fan really.
I had 2 Tremoverbs and the Tremolo wasn't anything to brag about. I ended up getting a cheap trem pedal and using that for live situations.

Yep, you'd think with a name like TREMOverb, it'd have a better tremolo circuit.
Yup, if you are spoiled by BF and SF Fender onboard tremolos (like me), you will be horribly disappointed with the T-verb's circuit. I use mine to add a little depth to my ultra clean sound, but it actually sounds more chorusey than traditional trem sound to my ear.

For channel switching, check that the channel switch on the back all the way to the left is in the up (orange) position and use the input jack on the front. And use a speaker cable like the manual says, not a guitar cable. I tried a guitar cable and it had problems for some reason shorting out the jack to make the channel switch.
I always wonder why anyone uses tremelo anyway. You hardly hear it anymore.