I have the ROADSTER!

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Aug 30, 2007
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Well I finally got my roadster and 4x12 trad cab.

I cranked it up all day today and i must say i'm pretty impressed. I have found some great tones and couldn't be happier with my purchase.

The reason why i bought this amp at the shop was because of the VINTAGE sound but now i have played around with RAW and MODERN sounds and i think my main rhythm/dirty sound will be RAW. I didn't expect it but i have feeling its gonna be it. I don't know yet, I havent rehearsed with it yet and I have two gigs this weekend so i'll hear how it goes then.

I'm really try to love the vintage sound again but i can't seem to replicate what i had/heard in the guitar shop. I guess i'll just have to keep tweaking it to find it. ANY SUGGESTIONS?

By the way love the TWEED and FAT and i think i have those channels figured out for now, just great sounding there.

And yes my amp pops on channel 3 but its such a minor thing really. If its loud at the gigs then i'll be :evil:

Anyway if anyone is having any thoughts of buying the roadster just DO IT!! Great amp, great tone!
I've had mine since May this year. I'm so happy with it. (Besides the pop when I switch channels). I play mine in stereo with a Marshall head and cab.
I only have a Recto 2x12 cab with my Roadster but it blows away my Marshall TSL60 with a 4x12 cab.

Rember cycling through the channels in stand by a couple of times while the amp is warming up may or may not stop the popping.
Well after 2 gigs this weekend i can finally say i love the roadster. Great tone, power and a big improvement over my old marshall mode four.

The first night i tried...
Channel 1: Tweed pushed
Channel 2: FAT clean
Channel 3: RAW
Channel 4: Modern

I was very impressed with the tweed sound giving me those classic pushed sounds that i needed for particular songs and the FAT clean was just awesome!! Perfect sounding clean and couldn't be happier with those two channels.

With the overdrive/distortion sounds it took me a little time to get settled with a sound. I used Raw for the main crunch rhythm sounds and it was nice but with the band I soon realised it wasn't the sound I wanted for both lead and rhythm.

Modern setting was very impressive and FAT sounding for leads. I liked it.

2nd night
Channel 1: Tweed pushed
Channel 2: FAT clean
Channel 3: VINTAGE!!
Channel 4: Modern

Finally having the chance to play with the amp live and knowing what it can do, I decided to go with different sound and try the vintage setting and EQ it right. I love this sound and it will be my main sound. This amp covered everything with no compromises to the sound. All settings were excellent and the guitar cut through so well.

The only MINOR complaint i have is the switching of channels. There must be a bit of a delay with changing the channels. I can still perform with this but I noticed it right away. With the tone and power this thing has anyway it really is a small complaint.

Also, I couldn't hear the pop noise on channel 3 with the band.
Overall, GREAT AMP.
On stage Funksoldier, I use the tweed(diode) and brit (recto), ch3 Vintage (gain down)
ch 4 modern (diode) All ch's on 100W back and front.
Depending on the venue I tweak Ch 1&2 gain and EQ.
This is one awesome amp which I am still learning to use and experiment with.

Tip. (sorry if I am telling you something you already know :oops: )when setup go right up back of the venue, get someone to play your axe on all 4 settings, you will learn very quickly how to set your EQs.
For lead, I sometimes bring in an OD (I have a Boss ME50)

PS still need to explore RAW a bit more..it's all good :D
Yeah thats cool. Don't get me wrong i still like RAW but Vintage just sounded better with the band that night.

I have only had this beast for a few days now so i'm still learning it.
funksoldier said:
Yeah thats cool. Don't get me wrong i still like RAW but Vintage just sounded better with the band that night.

I have only had this beast for a few days now so i'm still learning it.
oops, I meant "I" need to explore RAW a bit more. :)
Second gig with mine tomorrow night. When i first got this amp i used to use channel 4 for all my overdrive sounds. However after playing about with the vintage sound on channel 3 at practice levels i just found exactly the sound i wanted. Couldn't be more happy with the cleans either. They're so versatile! I love the Brit setting on channel 2 for crunchy rhythm sounds and once you find the sweet spot on channel 1's fat setting you get the best breakup sounds in the world! Amazing amp...

My ME-50 doesn't sound too great through it although i haven't actually spent a lot of time with the two of them together yet! Just get a lot of noise from it, mainly humming. Maybe it's my cables?
MesaSilverburst said:
I've had mine since May this year. I'm so happy with it. (Besides the pop when I switch channels). I play mine in stereo with a Marshall head and cab.
I only have a Recto 2x12 cab with my Roadster but it blows away my Marshall TSL60 with a 4x12 cab.

I guess you liked my avatar so much you had to have it for yourself!
congrats on the roadster.... are you using bold or spongy? the reason i ask is because for the first 3 months with mine i used bold because thats the way i always used rectos in the past.... i find myself for the past few months playing almost always on spongy...... i find the brit mode with the bold setting to be a little weak and flat.... but when i throw it on in spongy its a totally different beast... much more lush and 3 dimensional..... i also find channel 4 in modern gets a little more compressed reminding me of a mark IV-ish territory..... explore this beast because i still find new tones after 7 months with the amp
funksoldier said:
The only MINOR complaint i have is the switching of channels. There must be a bit of a delay with changing the channels. I can still perform with this but I noticed it right away. With the tone and power this thing has anyway it really is a small complaint.

Hey congrats on getting the Roadster. You should really try it on EL-34 too if you have the chance.

You are right about the switching delay, but you can get used to it.
The delay is there because the switching is done with relais. The clicking sound you hear. This seems to give more dynamic range then optocouplers.

I use the folowing modes, but with EL-34.
Channel 1: FAT
Channel 2: Brit
Channel 3: RAW
Channel 4: Modern
congrats on the roadster.... are you using bold or spongy?

Currently i am using the BOLD setting. I'm playing another 2 gigs this week so i'll try spongy and see how that sounds with the band. I'll let you know.

You should really try it on EL-34 too if you have the chance.

Yeah i would love to try that one day especially on the Brit mode and RAW modes. Right now however i'm pretty satisfied with the true recto sound form 6l6. I'll try it once i get sick of that sound.
Great choice with the Roadster! I just don't wanna know how much you paid for yours! Down there it must be expensive as hell! :shock:
Great choice with the Roadster! I just don't wanna know how much you paid for yours! Down there it must be expensive as hell!

Yeah it was hell expensive. I traded my mode four and cab to bring down the price a bit. I played that for 3-4 years and it was time for a change. It doesn't worry me though cause all the money i'd made from gigs went into this amp.
I have always wanted a boogie and the price was very intimidating in the beginining but once I had the gigs it really wasn't an issue.
I have a full time job as well so i guess its ok.

The boogie roadster is by far one of the best amps i've heard/played and spending that extra bit of money is worth it.
funksoldier The boogie roadster is by far one of the best amps i've heard/played and spending that extra bit of money is worth it.[/quote said:
FWIW, with items that really matter, I've found it's cheaper in the long run to pay more and get what you really want than to compromise and save a few hundred bucks. Great amp. Good luck and enjoy!

funksoldier said:
Great choice with the Roadster! I just don't wanna know how much you paid for yours! Down there it must be expensive as hell!

Yeah it was hell expensive. I traded my mode four and cab to bring down the price a bit. I played that for 3-4 years and it was time for a change. It doesn't worry me though cause all the money i'd made from gigs went into this amp.
I have always wanted a boogie and the price was very intimidating in the beginining but once I had the gigs it really wasn't an issue.
I have a full time job as well so i guess its ok.

The boogie roadster is by far one of the best amps i've heard/played and spending that extra bit of money is worth it.
I sold my jcm 900 to help buy my roadster..haven't looked back.
I will be joining the club once my Roadster head comes in on Monday. I traded my Mark IV head for it. I'm hoping my thieles will sound OK with the Roadster! I'm looking for options (preferably a 2x12 recto cab) in the case that they just don't have the sound I'm looking for. They screamed with the Mark IV, so I'm hoping for the best with the Roadster...

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