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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2011
Reaction score
New Lenox Il
Hello fellow Boogie owners. I am new to the boards and felt the need to brag about my recent perchase of a Mesa Mark V.
I figure nobody but other guitar players can relate to how excited I am to have this puppy in my possesion.
I have owned a Rectoverb for the last 8 years or so and its a great amp. BUT ..... Holy %$&* do I love the Mark V.
I always felt that the Rectoverb was to Mettalica for my taste. If that even makes sense. Even tried using a 12aT7 in the first position to soften it up a bit.
More of a classic rock/bluesy guy but love Robben Ford Dumble tones to heavy and in your face grit.
I have only just begun to explore this monster of an amp. Have yet to practice at band volume with the band.
I wanted versatility as i play in a cover band ... and also to cover my own selfish needs of every tone there is!
10W tweed mode late last night has me itching to get home to explore more! I didnt know what i've been missing till now.
Definetly feeling I made the right choice for my tone.
I felt the same when I picked up my Mark IV! The great thing about the marks is theyre GREAT for vintage stuff but can do some crushing metal as well! Have fun with your new baby!
As soon as the right deal comes my way Im taking the plunge. Stories like yours just get me itching.
Congratulations and welcome to the club.

The V is a cool amp, and you'll be discovering new things with it for a long time.

E.g., I'm just now realizing what cool hard rock (AC-DC-esque) sounds I can get out of tweed mode.
joined the club about 3 months ago, the mark v is a lifetime investment in tone. hard to find a better amp imho, love it love it love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your new amp. I have had mine since November and I am still in the honeymoon phase. Channel 3 - Extreme - Classic V EQ Curve - 90 Watts - Pentode - Hang on!
Thanks for the warm welcomes. I love my Mark V! The only negative i can think of so far is haveing to choose what channels I like best for foot switching live.
Versitle is an understatement. I am particuly fond of Fat clean, Tweed, Edge, Mark 1 modes with the PRS. I can see myself using all of them live.
I find myself plugging in and not even playing ... just strumming a chord and thinking ... wow listen to that warm wonderfull rich tone(that belongs to me! :D ). One thing that really stands out vrs my Rectoverb is that the pickup select switch on my PRS really changes the tone. Single coil vrs humbuckers is night n day. Of course you could hear the difference on the recto just much more pronounced with the Mark V to my ears. My strats will get allot more of a work out now. Just love it! So many tones .. so little time
OK, stop talking about it. I am perfectly happy with my electra dyne and you are going to make me go spend some time with the V and possible spend some money.