I have bad GAS!!!

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2006
Reaction score
I just bought a Mesa 1-12 half open back cab with a Celestion 90 Black Shadow speaker yesterday. Sounds much better than the Celestion 75 that I have in my MkIIb. I think I'm gonna pull that out & put the original EV back in. (Ebay fodder for the 75!) I really probably need that cab like i need another hole in my head, but i think it'll come in handy. I may leave it at home & take my MkIII head with me so i can play my Mk III at home and leave my 4-12 @ the studio/rehersal space, & use it with my MKIIb in the studio & rehersal & use it on stage when we start playing live, or use it with my MK III when having a 4-12 is unpractical. or if i'm jamming with another guitar player who only has a 1-12 i can use it again with my MK III so i don't overpower him with my 4-12.... See, I can justify it, money well spent!
I would call it a mild case. GAS is when you bring home one more amp and you are threatened with divorce. But honey, I only have 12 !!! Yes, and what about the 14 guitars? I promise I wont buy anymore. :D

Good score. Enjoy it.
Boogiebabies said:
I would call it a mild case. GAS is when you bring home one more amp and you are threatened with divorce. But honey, I only have 12 !!! Yes, and what about the 14 guitars? I promise I wont buy anymore. :D

Good score. Enjoy it.
No GAS is when you get the threat of divorce, ignore it, and then actually get the divorce. Been there, done that. :lol:
Russ said:
Just don't tell me you want a DSL.... :lol:

LMAO!.......Russ, you following me around or what?...hehehe!

But seriously, my last 'bout with GAS ended up with alot of credit card debt, I have no wife to divorce me but still, there's been many times that my accumulated gear was worth more than my car. (my last car I drove was worth less than one of my guitars alone!) I've spent at least $1,700 in the past 2 months. I keep assuring myself since I'm going to be putting some of my more lesser favored pieces of gear on ebay that its okay. :D

But yes, all things considered, I probably have less GAS than others...

and no Russ, I have no desire for a DSL (but a 2500, 2203, 2204, 1987, 1959 or a 2555 might be in my future, someday, for the right price.....uhoh....I defiled the Boogie board by expressing my desire for a certain British made amp....lol)
Eldi, I thought I was getting a lesser amp by choosing the 2204 instead of the 2203. I had played many 2203s before but never a 2204. I had friends that had 2204s but never played their amps. Let me tell you something, the 2204 is one hell of an amp. Well at least mine is in JMP trim. The circuit is 99.9% original with only 1 electrolytic having been replaced as maintenance. It was someone's closet classic. This thing rocks. The original owner changed out hte original hardwired plug for one of the newer computer style cables but that is fine with me. I'd rather that the cord unplug than the amp come tumbling down even though the older heads were known to take much abuse. I have heard of guys having their heads fall off their stacks while playing and not miss a beat and actually play the rest of a set without noticing it.

I only made that remark about hte DSL because of our "friends" at the other forum that are so singleminded and stuck tonally. I like to think of myself as relatively diversified and a holder of much tone. I think that they may just be afraid that their late entry into the amp arena might actually not be all that they think it is or they may just be ignorant to the fact.

I just had a GAS attack myself this last year. It was 3 guitars, 2 heads, 2 cabinets, some memorabilia, and almost a tearing of the sheets.... DOH!!!

I might still try to sneak either a traditional cab, an older 4x12 or 2x12, or even a thiele in the door though..... I was previously divorced so that is nothing new.... I find gear to be lower maintenance and fewer headaches anyway. I also find that played well your gear can get you laid too and it isn't the same old crackers....
I liked the Jubilee for about a week. Then I tried the 2210. It blew my socks off. It isn't as sweet as the Jubilee can be but it is more raw in the boost channel. Think early thrash metal. Most of them had them. It nails Hetfield and King. It also does the hair band thing with ease. Like I said it is just more raw than the Jubes. If it didn't have that quality I would be a Jubilee kind of guy. You just gotta get one made after 87...
i recently played a JCM 900 50 watt and it blew my socks off. I just hate to use a boost pedal to get that ripping gain. Hence, why the Boogie collection. Gain to spare and the graphic EQ's with Reverb. I had 2 Jubilee 2555's and sold one for a killing. I decided to keep the one I bought with the full stack.
I keep it to look at and think of Slash. It is a cool amp and i run it stock with a Boss GE-7 in the loop. What a ballsy amp.
I often think of Slash too when the Jubilee comes up. Didn't Slash play a different amp though in the recording of Appetite? I remember hearing that he hadn't switched to the Jubilee until just before getting the signature model. In fact, I remember hearing about how Randall had created their BMF line for him. I know I can get his tone out of my 2210 though with tons of room left on the knobs. I just have to plug in one of my LPs and I am set.

The 900s are kind of strange. They got a little buzzy and compressed. I think it all depends on your settings though and which head you are playing. Some never had desireable tone. The SL-X was a great head as was the mkIII that had preceded it. The Dual Reverb heads needed a little work though.
Russ said:
I often think of Slash too when the Jubilee comes up. Didn't Slash play a different amp though in the recording of Appetite? I remember hearing that he hadn't switched to the Jubilee until just before getting the signature model. In fact, I remember hearing about how Randall had created their BMF line for him. I know I can get his tone out of my 2210 though with tons of room left on the knobs. I just have to plug in one of my LPs and I am set.

The 900s are kind of strange. They got a little buzzy and compressed. I think it all depends on your settings though and which head you are playing. Some never had desireable tone. The SL-X was a great head as was the mkIII that had preceded it. The Dual Reverb heads needed a little work though.

For some reason, I can't imagine Slash playing through a solid state Randall, that would be like Crockett & Tubbs driving a Hyundai instead of a Ferarri.....

I think it was when G 'n R was making the "Use Your Illusion's" was when Slash started playing the Jubilee's. I remember reading that the reason that Marshall came out with the Slash signature model was because Slash approched Jim Marshall about making a dozen or so 2555's for him after most of his Jubilee's got trashed during a riot at a concert in St Louis, circa '92 or '93. Mr Marshall told him that that would not be feasable to make only 20 units, but making a limited run of 2,000 or whatever the number, was. Hence the Slash signature model was born.

I've heard a rumor though that on "Appetite" that Slash actually used Izzy's Boogie Mk II for much of the album, the Boogie that was in the photo of the band on the back cover......or maybe thats just wishful thinking on my part (I hope not....I think it would be cool if he really used a Boogie on that record, I can get a Slash like sound through my MK IIb with a Les Paul)

The JCM 900 that I used to own was a 2500, which was the 50 watt master volume head. I played a beat up Ibanez RG-550t through it driving a 1960a cab with the celestion 75's. It had that Green Day "Dookie" sound, which was ok for me for I was playing in a punk rock band (early 90's)at the time. Then, I left the band I was playing in & wished for something more versatile, as well as something more compact for I sold my pick up truck to buy a subcompact car (no hatchback) I found a Boogie MKIIb advertised in the classified ads(It was advertised as a Mk III, but when I saw it I thought it was a Mk I, I guess we were both sort of ignorant about Boogie's at the time) and I managed to talk the seller into trading straight up my Marshall half stack for the Boogie, & thats how I got turned on to them. Though, I still have fond memories of the 2500, I wonder at times how much better it would sound with my Les Paul through it driving my 1960AV cab....probably still not as good as my MkIII! :D

Wow, its crazy how this ended up on a tangent about Marshalls:D

Boogiebabies, do you really like the way the GE-7 sounds in your FX loop? I've put my GE-7 in the fx loops of a variety of amps, and I didn't like the way it "squashed" the sound, kinda making them sound less lively & cold. But that might be because I haven't heard one in the loop of a Jubilee...I dunno......
The ge-7 is an interesting pedal. I own one and it can be really great or really terrible depending upon how you are using it. You can use it as a clean boost or as a distortion pedal also. I mainly use mine as a clean boost in front. I tried using it in the loop as an eq but felt it messed with the innate tone of the amp too much. I might try it again just out of curiosity but it is currently sitting in front of my 2204 as a clean boost. I could probably use the sd-1 there instead and migrate the ge-7 over to the 2210's or the Mark IV's loop. I think it might be slightly redundant in the loop of hte Mesa though. Actually I was thinking in the loop of my VL-501. It might make me keep it. I have been thinking of selling it lately because it just hasn't done much for me lately. In fact, I haven't played it in over a year. I'll have to try it. I kind of miss playing that amp. Maybe it will not be as bad as I had thought it was before. I might have to try it with more subtle adjustment also.
The BMF Randall is all tube. It actually slays Marshalls for tone and distortion. There were only about 2500? made. I remember seeing them back in the early 90's. One actually popped up on e-bay a few months back with the original 4x12 cab for it. I love the big brass BMF in block letters on the front and chicken head knobs. It looks like a boutique amp Marshall clone but with more Fenderish styling. Those things sell for as much as IIC+'s. Randall actually makes some nice stuff sometimes. Not all their stuff is SS. Checkout the new line. Scott Ian is endorsing them.
I am not intentionally stalking you Eldi. I think it is more that great minds think alike and gravitate towards good taste. I noticed you play LP into Marshall and Mesa. That is me too. In fact, I think we have a lot of the same tastes in sound. The only difference is the choice of amp model by manufacturer to get there but the amps we choose can achieve similar tones and distortion levels. I am also the guy who posted in the Myspace group about who else posts here. So as you can see, we frequent the same haunts.
Russ said:
The BMF Randall is all tube. It actually slays Marshalls for tone and distortion. There were only about 2500? made. I remember seeing them back in the early 90's. One actually popped up on e-bay a few months back with the original 4x12 cab for it. I love the big brass BMF in block letters on the front and chicken head knobs. It looks like a boutique amp Marshall clone but with more Fenderish styling. Those things sell for as much as IIC+'s. Randall actually makes some nice stuff sometimes. Not all their stuff is SS. Checkout the new line. Scott Ian is endorsing them.

My bad. Thats what I get for wrongly assumeing it's SS. They sound very intrugeing.
They are very limited also like the IIC+, so if you ever come across one snatch it up. I would have bought the one I saw but I wasn't financially in the position to add it to my collection right after the holidays.
Russ said:
I am not intentionally stalking you Eldi. I think it is more that great minds think alike and gravitate towards good taste. I noticed you play LP into Marshall and Mesa. That is me too. In fact, I think we have a lot of the same tastes in sound. The only difference is the choice of amp model by manufacturer to get there but the amps we choose can achieve similar tones and distortion levels. I am also the guy who posted in the Myspace group about who else posts here. So as you can see, we frequent the same haunts.

lol....right on! I was just joking around the stalking stuff.....lol

I too like variety. I am such a fan of a variety of different types of music, from punk rock to classic & alt country to electronica/trance/house....you get the picture. And I happen to be involved in a project that happens to touch on a variety of genres. Boogies are perfect for the majority of the tones I'm using, & you really do get alot of bang for your buck with them. I do kinda crave Marshall still though....
I am craving recto sounds. I have enough Marshall because it is all that I played forever. I am also craving Fender tone and Roland JC clean. One day I will have the bases covered then I will go in a different direction again. I did that with rack gear and now I miss it sometimes but I know I am getting better tone out of real amplifiers. I wouldn't mind getting a few more guitars though. I have a couple Vs, a few LPs, an SG, an Explorer, an American Strat, and a G&L ASAT Classic. I miss the Jacksons sometimes and an old US BC Rich would be nice. I could use a couple other strats too. I would love to get my hands on a big headstock maple necked bullet style strat and an older one maybe 50's or 62-ish. I am finding more and more tone out of certain things that I overlooked for so many years of gain chasing. It is like an all new world out there of tone and I am just scratching at the surface.
I've been considereing getting MIDI preamp (Like a used ADA MP-1, Triaxis might be a bit too costly, even used ) and running a rack system for live shows just for the MIDI convience of MIDI. Theoretically, I can link it to my partner's sequencer for all the program changes, I really wouldn't even need a footcontroller