Here ya go ——
after stripping about 20% of the board and cleaning the cap leakage, that FU...CKS neglected to address.
And they did not upgrade the .1 400 caps at V5. or do much else Oh well.
With your power tubes and my pre tubes we seem to be working.
I tested with my FTSW box and it all works correctly. The trace from the 15 volt supply, where the caps were ripped out, lost connection under the board to the FTSW jack. Fixed that on top of the board. I would venture it will be OK with yourFTSW, BUT if your FTSW has shorted wiring it can burn the Trace (that I believe was just busted).
I left the bias pot, but mounted it securely on the board, instead of hanging it on a bundle of wires. WTF!
I will end by stating that if you have something broken, and you are going to throw it away after Fu..cks "repairs" it, then have at it. But I would not trust them to fix an empty cardboard box.