How to tighten up medium gain tones on my dual rec.

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2006
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Hi, sorry if this has been asked, I did do a search, but didn't find what I was looking for.

I am looking for a way to tighen up my tone on my 3 ch dual rec when trying to use a med gain type of tone. Would an od work? Tube screamer maybe? I seem to be having some issues there.

I play a Schecter C1+ with EMG 81 and 85. I have the 3 channel dual rectifier with the rectifier 212 cabinet w/v30's.

Any help would be great. Sorry if this is vague, I am having issues trying to describe what I am looking for...maybe it's one of those tones you can hear in your head, but it really doesn't exist...I think guitar players have that issue from time to time...

Thanks for any help.
An overdrive should tighten things up...but that's my main gripe about the rectifier....too loose.

Give an OD a try....if that doesn't do it, a stiletto cab would help a lot...otherwise, I'd ditch the recto.
yeah a od should do the job well,but you have an emg equipped guiar how do you get medium gain from a dual rec with emg's,is the gain on zero :lol:
Thanks for the replies so far...any idea on a brand of od? I know the EMG's do make it harder....if a person was going to switch out pickups, what would one recommend? Of course I would still get an od pedal...

Let me know...thanks again for your help.
The Gospel of the Xotic BB Preamp overdrive pedal has been preached on this forum on numerous threads. I use the Xotic BB in front of my DR three channel and I won't play without it.
thats the reason i went to the old 2 channel recto, tighter clearer more cut not as grainy sounding more clear and articulate still loads of bass but more useable or controllable no disrespect for the 3 channels but man it is night and day compared to the 3 channel but it is all preference my friend says i got ripped off by trading i lot ll the options and **** but whatever i still get all the tones i had but they sound better imo
The BB Preamp is awsome but if you have a hard time paying that much for a pedal try the MI Audio blues pro,,,,this pedal is just as good as the BB and is very, very similar to it. It has a bit more noticable compression to it. Other than that there really is not much of a difference at all.