From the Mk-IIC Operating Manual:
"The Slave Level control and Slave Output jack located on the rear panel of the amplifier give you a direct
output feed which faithfully captures the entire sound of the amp and preamp and can be regulated to
properly match anything from a mixing board to a power amp to another Boogie for a linked up
arrangement. Although a few mixing boards (mainly Yamaha) won't properly accept the Slave Output
signal and cause distortion, an absolutely noise free recording can be made with most other mixers. Set
the amp normally. Start with the Slave knob off. While playing, turn it up to provide sufficient signal for
your power amp or Line In on your mixer. Higher Slave settings and lower Master settings will result in
lower overall noise. Always run the Boogie with a speaker or load resistor (8 to 20 ohms, 50 watts) if you
are using the Slave Out. A Pre Amp Out-Pwr Amp In jack is located on the bottom of the chassis and
provides access to the junction of the preamp and the output power amp. With it, another Boogie can be
linked up (Slave Out of the first amp to Pwr Amp In of the second), or it can allow you to use the Boogie
as a preamp only.
For weaker incoming signals, the Effects Return can be used as an input and then the Graphic
would be functional. For Effects Loop use the jacks Mounted on the back panel. The Effects Return Jack
will interrupt the signal flow while the Effects Send can be used as an output without affecting signal flow.
If your Boogie should ever lose power or die out, always first run a cable between the two Effects Jacks
before proceeding to test tubes, etc., as such a problem could likely be caused by faulty switch contacts
in the Effects Return Jack."