How to set up FX chain with Dual Rec?

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Aug 1, 2008
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Need some help doing this, am I right in thinking...?

Guitar -> Guitar Cable into Amp

Cable from FX LOOP SEND > Bad Monkey > Patch Cable > Danelectro Fish n Chips EQ > Cable to FX LOOP RETURN

with FX LOOP set to on FTSW?

BIG QUESTION: can one of the cables either from the SEND or into the RETURN be a Speaker cable since only have two working Guitar cables on me.
You should get the Bad Monkey out of the loop and put it out front:

Guitar-->Bad Monkey-->Amp Input-->FX Send-->EQ-->FX Return

Yes you can use a speaker cable, but sound quality is going to suffer big time. If you must do that, use it in the loop.

Go pick up some guitar cables. They're cheap if you don't insist on a top-shelf brand and even a temporary "good-enough-for-now" instrument cable will sound better than a stereo cable since the stereo cable will give you a different frequency response than instrument cable does. That fact will throw off your EQ'ing quite a bit and you still may not be satisfied with the sound.

Spring for the $16-20 it costs for a couple of basic guitar cables. If you can't afford that much, you've got bigger problems than guitar playing and I suggest you simply wait until you can.