How to get the "smell" out of an amp.

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Mark Fore

Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
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I recently purchased a used Mesa (doesn't matter which model for this discussion) and it really has this bad smell. Without getting too specific, it is the smell of humanity and not a fried component or anything electrical. It reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where he ends up selling his car because he cannot get rid of the smell. I've tried Fabrize several times and used a lot of it, leaving it outside in the (not direct) sun for hours, etc. and nothing is getting rid of this stench. It is so bad that I can't bring it inside the house. The bad smell has been soaked into this thing and it is starting to scare me that it won't ever be stench-free.

Does anyone have any suggestions??
I remember a thread just like this not too long ago ;)

Have you taken the chassis out and given it a really good scrubbing?
Yep..... Get a large trash bag, Febreeze the BeJesus out of the amp, close up the bag on the amp and let the Febreeze soak into the skin and pores of the amp, not evaporate off. Maybe twice.
If you want to get rid of the smell, I'd try what's known as an Ozone Generator.

It gets rid of all sorts of smells and mould.

You'd want to get a powerful one as the smaller one's may not do the job.

I'd do some research on it if I were you. You may be able to hire one from a carpet cleaning business or similar, as sometimes they carry them.

One word of caution. Don't be in the room while the Ozone Generator is operating, as it's not good to breathe in too much.

If you try it, let us know how it works out.
By the way, profesionals like car salesmen, landlords, and other businesses use these devices to kill mould.

So you're dealing with the source of the smell, not just covering it up.

If Seinfeld knew this, the episode would've had a different outcome! :D
I'm thinking that outside on the patio for more than a few hours would help. I had a cab a few years back that had this problem...left that sucker on the patio for days with no speakers or back.
+1 on the ozone generator, the Febreeze will leave a nasty residue all it's own. As said: used car dealers use these to remove the smell of cigarette smoke and worse from car interiors, a buddy of mine has one and it works. Febreeze and Oust give me a headache.
Elpelotero said:
a box of arm and hammer baking soda? Most people keep some in the fridge to soak up odors.

Yeah, but it SOAKS UP odors, saying that odors that were previously there are absorbed by the baking soda. A&H doesn't do a good job of ELIMINATING new odors from forming, since, apparently, this amp radiates stench. :lol:

Some people say this works for light duty smells, but the way the OP is describing it, the Ozone Generator seems like the best solution.
The Ozone Generator sounds like it just might do the trick.

I would also scrub the hell out of the tolex, before and afterward. I use baby wipes to clean tolex. They won't leave any residue and if it gets the funk off of a baby's ***, it will work for your amp's skin.
For super dirty amps, I use a "Wax On/Wax Off" motion and then wipe it off with an old T-Shirt right away. This makes sure you are taking the stuff off of the tolex and not just spreading it around.
Too bad it's not a Mark series amp with the courtesy outlet on the back! I could stick one of those outlet air fresheners in there and just let it go. :lol:
Mark Fore said:
Too bad it's not a Mark series amp with the courtesy outlet on the back! I could stick one of those outlet air fresheners in there and just let it go. :lol:

Or better yet, one of those plug-in "Ionic Breeze" things! :lol:
I would take the amp apart. You'd be amazed at the tight spaces mice can get into. I think it's a dead rat. Or maybe a cat sprayed it. I had an old laptop case with that sour cat gland smell in the green felt and no amount of Febreeze worked.
To clarify a bit more, this smell is something you might detect in someone's home and it would be fine and undetectable to the resident, but very pungent to an outsider. It might be normal to them. It's not a moldy type smell, but a "human" odor. I'm trying to be sensitive, but it reminds me of (FOR EXAMPLE) going to an Italian restaurant and eating a ton of garlic. That smell that you catch the next day where it's just seeping out of your pores... something like that.
Hey Mark Fore,

I used an Ozone Generator to rid my previous tenant's Indian cooking smell which was pretty **** strong. Not that I'm against Indian cooking, but that's all you could smell at the time....and it did a great job! It smelt neutral afterwards.

They can also be used for :

Athletic Apparel Sterilization
Automobile Detailing & Deodorizing
Boat Odor & Mold Oxidation
Carpet Cleaning
Cigarette & Tobacco Odor Removal
Cooking Odor Cleanup
Fire Damage Restoration
Flood Damage Restoration
Hotel & Motel Room Cleaning
Professional Mold Remediation
Pet Urine Oxidation
Real Estate & Rental Propery Management

I know, I sound like a salesman...I hired one at the time.

I'm going to buy one and it may end up being this one:

You might want to get some professional advice by contacting someone like this who hire's them:

Describe the smell to them and see what they have to say. They guarantee their ozone generators to permanently remove ALL the odor or your money back.
Hey Denrad, since you brought it up... that is EXACTLY the smell I'm referring to, but was concerned about offending anyone on the forum. Someone brought up the ozone generator solution before and since you said it worked for the same exact problem, i'm going to try it. Thank you for the information!

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