How the external switching with Mesa Roadser really work ?

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Nov 3, 2006
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first of all I'm happy owner of Mesa Combo Roadster 2x12 (4 channels).
I'm also owner of tc electronics G-Major multieffect and Behringer FCB1010 footswitch.
I'm really confused how Roadster is handling the external swiching. I read Roadster manual and there is almost nothing about external switching.
I've also tried to find something on this forum but witout success.

So here is my understanding how the external switching on Roadster works, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Scenario A
1) External switching is used WITHOUT Mesa footswitch connected to amp with Channel selector on the back side of amp is switched to "FT SW" position.

Interresting is that when the amp is switched-on then it is in udefined state from the point of view of a selected channel. No channel is selected no light is lighting on the front panel.

2) The FCB allows to switch on/of just 2 channels. So for example I will connect the jacks to CH2 SW and CH3 SW. So now I'm able to switch between two channels (lights for the channels are lighting right). When no channel is not selected by FCB the Mesa is in undefined state (no lights). Is it right or it's just about my Mesa ?

Scenario B
1) External switching is used WITH Mesa footswitch connected to amp and Channel selector on the back side of amp is switched to "FT SW" position.

2) First of all I will select the CH4 on Mesa footswitch (light for CH4 is lighting). Now the FCB will switch to CH2 using external switching. It's interrestiing that Light for CH2 is lighting right but the light for the CH4 is not completely dark, it is slightly lighting. And what is more interresting the the sound is not clean sound of CH2 but it is with the overdriven sound of CH4 in background.

The same result is when the Mesa footswitch is not uset and when Channel selector on the back of Amp is switched to CH4.

1) What is the right setup for external switching ? WITH or WITHOUT Mesa Footswitch ?
2) If the right answer is WITHOUT footswithch then what is the right position of Channel selector ? (CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4 of FT SW ?)
4) Howto switch without Mesa FootSwitch the Solo, Reverb, Tuner mute and FX Loop ? (The FCB allows just to switches to be switched-on/off)

Thanks in advance for your answers :)
This is an old post but I have been thinking about this myself for quite some time..... i left mesa products for about 2 years for a Line 6 Vetta because I didn't need a full rack and 4x12 cab without being in a band and financially $5000 sitting in my room for me just to play at low volumes didnt make sense.... anyway.... after 2 years of modelling i decided to get back into the tube world..... i fell in love with the roadster a little over a month ago but it was bothering em that i would lose the ability to make switches with one press of a button.... i didnt wnat the pedal dance i used to have to do..... i looked into the G-Major which has switching capabilities but only for 2 channels not 4..... then i came upon the Amp Gizmo which allows you to control all channels switches as well as 4 function switches (ie solo, fx loop, reverb, etc.) so in total 8 switches that is the easiest thing to program.... it also has midi capability to hook up to a midi fx unit and a midi controller.... they also sell a cable specialized for each amp so instead of having wires all around, this cable plugs into all 8 switches on the amp gizmo and has the regular mesa input for the footswitch (since its specialized to a specific amp the cable runs about $50)..... so basically the amp gizmo reads the midi signal from your footswitch, lets you pick the channel you want, all the paramaters you want engaged, and a signal to send to the fx unit to tell it what patch to call.... basically once you're done editing you hit save a there you go.... full midi controlled rig for a fraction of the cost of a bradshaw type unit.... heres the link if anyone is interested
jdurso said:
This is an old post but I have been thinking about this myself for quite some time..... i left mesa products for about 2 years for a Line 6 Vetta because I didn't need a full rack and 4x12 cab without being in a band and financially $5000 sitting in my room for me just to play at low volumes didnt make sense.... anyway.... after 2 years of modelling i decided to get back into the tube world..... i fell in love with the roadster a little over a month ago but it was bothering em that i would lose the ability to make switches with one press of a button.... i didnt wnat the pedal dance i used to have to do..... i looked into the G-Major which has switching capabilities but only for 2 channels not 4..... then i came upon the Amp Gizmo which allows you to control all channels switches as well as 4 function switches (ie solo, fx loop, reverb, etc.) so in total 8 switches that is the easiest thing to program.... it also has midi capability to hook up to a midi fx unit and a midi controller.... they also sell a cable specialized for each amp so instead of having wires all around, this cable plugs into all 8 switches on the amp gizmo and has the regular mesa input for the footswitch (since its specialized to a specific amp the cable runs about $50)..... so basically the amp gizmo reads the midi signal from your footswitch, lets you pick the channel you want, all the paramaters you want engaged, and a signal to send to the fx unit to tell it what patch to call.... basically once you're done editing you hit save a there you go.... full midi controlled rig for a fraction of the cost of a bradshaw type unit.... heres the link if anyone is interested

what midi foot controller do you use with the AmpGizmo?

He dude; I have GCX, GCP and g-major, but when I wanna use the triple rectifier external switching to link with GCX, the channel 2 is active always, thats ok? I can only change CH1, CH3, SOLO,but Ch2 is always ON,only turns off when y select CH1, CH3 or solo option, thats ok?? there is another way to change the channels?? I heard about a custom cable to Recto´s Footswith midi in, how I can do this???
hectitor said:
He dude; I have GCX, GCP and g-major, but when I wanna use the triple rectifier external switching to link with GCX, the channel 2 is active always, thats ok? I can only change CH1, CH3, SOLO,but Ch2 is always ON,only turns off when y select CH1, CH3 or solo option, thats ok?? there is another way to change the channels?? I heard about a custom cable to Recto´s Footswith midi in, how I can do this???

therefore you will need an external midi-switcher like the mini-amp-gizmo from RJM or the little switcher from G-LAB plus the cable from the switcher to the footswitch input.
the RJM products work great with mesa amps!
GazPots said:
what midi foot controller do you use with the AmpGizmo?

I suggest The RJM Mastermind. It doesn't cost a fortune and is really good for the RJM stuff, since it is already setup for RJM switching. just plug in and go. But I suggest you use a 7 pin midi cable so you don't have to use a wall wart :D